I haven't seen that at all. Maybe it's just you. Can you link to your channel so I can see for myself?
The new prfiles don't do that. I have one and most of my friends do, but I haven't seen advertisements
Oh. I see. It's really annoying when I'm going through my favorites and there's a big advertisement blocking the scroll bar so I can't reach the rest of my favs. That is annoying...
That's why I use adblock Pro. It blocks just about everything. On topic, though, Youtube has really gone down the shitter lately, hasn't it? New profiles (which I switched to only because I know they'll make me sooner or later), loss of bulletins, copynazism, ads fricking EVERYWHERE... Find me a site that is like Youtube was about a year ago, and I'll switch in a heartbeat.
Agreed. Youtube just hasn't been the same since Google bought it. Seriously, why did they sell? Half the time I go on Youtube and I end up screaming, "Damn you, Google!" The madness must stop...
Not only is the advertising annoying, I can't find my way around the damn site anymore! I'm totally lost on how to use these new profiles. Just one of many things youtube has been doing lately to piss me off (deleting all my AMVs was the biggest one, though... >.<)