New Year: 2009

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Dec 31, 2008.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York
    Hey everyone, just wishing you guys a happy New Year's eve/day. I'm still trying to get over the fact that 2008 is coming to an end and that a new year is ahead of us in just a couple of hours. I know Europe/Japan has already gone through the new year, so happy New Years guys.

    2008 could of been the best or worst year of your life, but I only hope the best for all of you. I know my life has been a roller coaster, but that's life. Feel free to discuss about new year resolutions-that is if you guys have any. Also let's hope that we hear more Kingdom Hearts news. We are looking at releases for Birth by Sleep and 358/2 Days. This should be a good year for KH fans.

    Alright, I'm ending this. I don't want it to sound like a blog post. xD
    Stay safe guys!
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Dec 31, 2008.

    1. Spunk Ransom
      Spunk Ransom
      Happy New Year everyone!
      I have not really made any goals for myself yet,
      but I hope everyone who has can keep theirs.
    2. Hell Kaiser Ryo
      Hell Kaiser Ryo
      Spunkeh, you've been here for over two years already? And not gotten Prem yet? *laughs* Seems you need to get your posts up. *smirks*
    3. Mike
      I never got to post my New Year’s resolutions. I would say that I should really let go of the past. I always put myself down and I'm always feeling hurt over it. I'm usually just a negative person, but maybe being positive would be the best thing for me.
    4. kngdmhrts2
      sometimes i've been told to try and look at the positive things that have come out of the negatives...yeh its a stupid thing to be told but its done me some good at times

      then when you've found some positives, you can try to build goals to go along with them to make them even better.

      or you could use my theory of actually using the past to make you stronger and then once you've conquered that specific thing, then you can let go of that past.
    5. Skylight_Defect