First thing that came to mind: Interesting. The story overview reminds me of Ergo Proxy, and of Final Fantasy XIII, to some extent. Second thing that came to mind: 17 year old protagonist again? Would it really ruin the RPG experience to make him over 20 just once? That's my two cents so far.
This definately looks and sounds good. And the character designs don't look all that bad, compared to SO anyway. YEAH!!! RIGHHT!!!!! I'm still wondering where the hell the PS3 version of TLR is.
The graphics look nice...And that's about all this game has. Sounds like it'll be decent at best. *Shrugs*
Sega are publishing this, awesome considering Sega have been making lots of good games lately. Though I'm concerned about the story, from what I heard Star Ocean has a good battle system but a bad story, is there any truth to this?