Took less than a half hour once I was on my old comp with an actual working photo editing software. Damn you windows 7. Tell me what you think.
It reminds me of the Queen of Lust from Dante's Inferno. If you like it, that's great. I personally liked the whole "Organization XIII's Lawyer" theme. You should've sticked with it.
Well, it's very clear, very white, very bright. Reminds me of a piece of pa- hold on a moment, there's nothing there!
Oh i see that. Nice haha i love the glow of the eyes. I thought you meant an actual theme FOR windows 7!
In retrospect.. I totally understand... Windows 7 is bad... v_v it has no built in photo editor other than Paint. B( But honestly, the photos are pretty much unedited... v_v Mostly cropped and resized mostly... v_v
Ooohhhh! Awesome!!!! Honestly though, obliged the lawyer theme better. It was funny. But I suppose if you're going to change it, this is EXACTLY the one to change it to.
I don't like them much. I would have changed the lighting and such if I were you. Especially the red text underneath your sig, it looks out of place and kind of generic without context. I'm not feeling the power, you know?