And here come another thread about the new system. anyone else here who hates the new profiles? I find it kinda confusing and the new follower and following system makes us sound like stalkers compared to the old friends system.
I don't hate the new profile format but it will take a wee bit of time to adjust to. Though the Recent Activities tab will keep Amaury entertained for many hours.
Well you may be right. about adjusting to the new format. The only problem is that it still makes people sound like stalkers and it even helps stalkers. IT's like made for them or something
It's not tough to learn and get use to, just over time it'll be much simpler once you know more about it. It's not like anything is lost there, just moved. I never liked followers on Twitter, then again I've never bothered with the friend list from before so it's not a concern for me. If you really have a stalker, just them adding to your following list wouldn't be enough. If it's really a concern talk to someone about it and we can deal with it.