Found this in my email I've seen screnes of gameplay and looks a bit cartoony, sort of like what happened with th KotOR comics when they changed artists, and it's 300 ****ing years after origional game. I'm pissed. This better see a console release like FF XI. And the monthly fee better not be more than 10 bucks with this ****ing economy.
i am not happy that they made this an MMO. I'll admit, i wanted to see a third installment of the game because I can't explain the fun i had with the first two...and now this crap. This may be the first star wars game I don't purchase.
I checked the site and did some reading on the games story and it seems that the "True Sith" that Revan left to fight are the ones attacking the republic. I'm guessing we'll learn the fate of Revan and the Exile.
If theres no HK-47, I'll kill every damn person I can until they put some damn HK-47 in my SW:TOR, because Old Republic aint **** without HK-47. And I also demand the power to flow walk backwards about 300 years.
Those damn Meatbags. Flow walking would be really interesting if they were to add this. I'd be intrigued on how detailed of a story they would let us in on or the hidden stuff the jedi or sith won't tell.
well,i dont know, i think it'll be pretty cool. i dont see why alot of ppl say that just because it totally trails off from the original game, or the book, and tons of things are changed, that it'll be horrible. i mean SWBF2 wasnt continued off of SWBF1. this game will probably be great, not like a sequel, but still as a seperate game.
Battlefront isn't a type of game you continue. It didn't have an actual story. You just run around and shoot people. KotOR I & II had a great story and now we're gonna miss 300 years.
I suppose this'd be a bad way to tell the story of what happens 300 tears after KotOR, but that's not to say we won't get anything else set inbetween KotOR 2 & the MMO. Anyway, at least this way they're not playing around with the aftermath of KotOR too much. If it was set a year or ten after, then that'd be bad, having to paly the MMo to find out and see what happens. I haven't actually played either of the KotOR games. I was disappointed to find out that they're on XBOX, not PS2. Sigh..
MAAAAJOR THREAD BUMPAGE. but I just found out about the game. :< I'm actually really really excited for this. There's a ton of new updates on their site. I must say, the environments look INCREDIBLE. The only thing that bothers me is that it's an MMO -- I've never played an MMO, and I don't fancy the whole "pay to play" thing. It hasn't been announced for console release, though, and I doubt it will be. As for your complaints about all the KotOR characters being dead, I read on the website that though they're gone, you can still find trails of them and follow a bit of their legacy. I am sad that I won't see Bastila or Atton though. :< In the site's FAQ they said that "some droids can last long." So HK-47 is more or less definitely going to be in the game.
Since enough people complained about it being 300 years later, I think it was a ****** idea to present the story as an MMO. That just killed it.