What does everyone here think of the new Spyro game that's coming soon? Personally, I like the general changes they made to Spyro.
The first three games were great. It actually was Spyro. The new games are terrible and I regret wasting my money on them.
Wow, I expected them to have killed the series by now. Well, Skylander's seems like it has potential, but could just as easily fall flat on its face. Right now my biggest thing is Spyro himself. I'm not sure if this is for Skylander or an earlier revision, but he just looks straight up mean Spoiler I'm sorry, but that is not Spyro to me. What happened to the Spyro that simply wanted to be on vacation at the beach but gets swept away in order to save the world before he can do so? Now he looks like he'd sooner torch you up in an alleyway than go save anyone.
Spyro's gone to ****, sad to say. PSX era games were fantastic. Then they started to lose the idea of the game, like mixt said. Spyro was essentially a fun-loving kid, probably why he appealed to so many of us back in the day. The new Spyro looks stupid and ridiculous, he looks like a four-legged gremlin with wings. I haven't looked forward to any Spyro games in a long time and this is just continuing the trend. I'm kind of hoping it will fail in the market in order for production of future games in the franchise to stop. I don't like seeing my childhood killed like this. Also where is Sparx.
Even though there were glitches, Enter the Dragonfly was pretty good, especially the OST. A Hero's Tail was also good, and it fixed all of the issues that ETDF had. I agree. I would even take the Spyro designs from Enter the Dragonfly and A Hero's Tail over this. However, I believe the game is still in development, so hopefully that changes. I didn't even know that there was no Sparx until you said something. I'd like to know, too. =/
Spyro looks....angry. He looks like he's going to become one with the bull and ram everyone. Spyro games are deteriorating...fast.
*Sigh* Poor, poor Spyro. What has the game industry done to you? I didn't even get a chance to play any of the older games, unless you count Heroes Tail, which unfortunately is now scratched, and absolutely unplayable, and it still makes me sick. And yes, why u no have Sparks?
Holy crap what is that?! That's even worse than Legend of Spyro look. (And i thought it couldn't get any worse...) Yeah the original series was classic. Aww the nostalgia... I loved everything about the first three. The way he looks, the places he goes to, the side characters, and even the storylines were good! I don't see sparx in that picture... i wonder what happened to him... This is how Spyro should look and should've stayed as: Spoiler
Im not too picky, but i will try it out, I have been a fan of Spyro since I was young but yes the look is not that great lol imo. My first encounter with a Spyro game was with a demo xD
They say "don't judge a book by its cover" but from the looks of the new spyro, it's still hard to imagine playing him while he looks like that. The first 3 games on the PS1 were the best and even the GBA's Season of Ice and Season of Flame were fun but the newer ones... not too much.
There's no way I'll ever acknowledge that abomination as Spyro. You have got to be kidding me. Enter The Dragonfly was an ennobled beta. It was sick with glitches, less than half the size of its predecessors and it took forever to load. No, I'll stick to my PSX Spyro games, thank you very much.
Yes, but at the age I got it, and like Fayt said, falling through the ground and stuff is normal. Also, I'm not saying that I'm not disappointed, I'm just saying that I like Spyro too much to let some silly glitches prevent me from having fun with the game.
I remember playing the first game. I loved it and it was different. Hopefully this one will be as good as that one. The new ones weren't good specially the GBA ones.