Sorry for bumping this semi-old thread... But I just gotta say the concept of SH5 looks VERY promising. And have you heard about the 'real-life physics' that make objects you bump into move too? It's like the nurses way of planting a tracking device on you :3 Not to mention that running behind doors will not help you escape, as the monsters can now COME AFTER YOU! I've found this strategy to be good in SH2, as in when I have the pipe/other melee weapon and I want to switch it for a gun when combatting an enemy. I often run back through a door...Guess that won't be a viable option anymore :') Which is good and bad. Oh and Alex also actually can FIGHT, and take on multiple enemies. (finnnnalllly) Camera angles won't be as obnoxious as they have previously been. Which is a relief, b/c I seriously hate comming into a close corridor, hearing static, and NOT being able to switch the view to a way where I can actually see the monsters :\ So hopefully that frustrating aspect will be fixed as they claim. That being said... Tons of new screenshots confirm that the nurses are super stacked. The cleavage is completely ridic. Leave it to the Americans to cheapen up the game :\ They were well enough endowed before and if ANYTHING it was relevant to 2's plot. Not 5's. Unless his little brother turns out to be some sort of sex craved 7 year old...Which would be just, let's say even more odd than 3's plot o_o (which if you aren't familiar with is quite bizare...) I feel like it's encouraging guys to fantisize about them, which is just like an invitation for necrophilia. Um Anyway, let's just hope the disappointment of sexying up the nurses doesn't reach beyond that, because it really does look like it might have some great potential! :|
New scans out again >:3 The monsters look very interesting...and also, seeing a lot of sexual references :'P Dunno how I feel about that since we've already visited the area of sexual tension with James in SH2. (oh how i love him...) ANYWAY, seeing many repeat monsters, I'm hoping they scrap some of them and come up with better designs~ Speaking of graphics, this game is going to hell if they get lazy with the characters and plot. It's about WAY more than just graphics :3 Hopefully the switchover won't screw that up/