New Silent Hill Game - Directed by Hideo Kojima & Guillermo Del Toro

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by libregkd, Aug 12, 2014.

  1. Patman Bof

    Oct 19, 2010
    I suspect you might get yourself stuck in an impasse : the only thing you can "do" is zoom on stuff with R3, but by the time I figured it could trigger events I probably missed some already. So far those that say they got to the end also say they' ve been really OCD about it. I took my sweet time as well, but not to such an extent. Now I' m stuck in an infinite red lights hallway that, as far as I can tell, doesn' t have anything left for me to do. Some people say they' re stuck in multicolored hallways.

    The messages that sometimes flash might be clues as to what unlocks it exactly. I think the one I got was in Italian, which I' m likely to understand. Problem is it flashed way too quickly for me to read it properly.

    Edit : Apparently you can press buttons too, it just never tells you which or when. Remember the "gauge her eye out" photo ? I heard you actually can poke one out. I think I' ll give this a try :
    There is a small hallway in between two phones there is a picture in that small hallways.
    The picture is on the floor look above that picture and there is a hole which leads into the peep hole in the bathroom. ... count=1605

    Haven't played it myself, but from what I've managed to follow, there are messages on a wall above the door that you can spell out by looking at items and objects. So examine everything, look through holes in the wall. Look and examine everything you can BEFORE walking through the door that resets the loop. Flashes of German & foreign words etc. are also clues that they'd hope would bring collaboration across players worldwide.

    The demo is made to be difficult to get through because they were hoping it'd take a couple days to a week before anyone could crack it. There's no exact walkthrough out there yet unfortunately.

    This might hold some clues: ... count=3624

    Edit 2 : Yay ! It worked ! It unlooped the hallway and got the normal lighting back, brb.
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2014
  2. Antidote Façade

    Nov 26, 2006
    There actually is a full walkthrough that will get you to the end with no jumpscares or whatever

    Apart from all the tiny markings on the walls that you have to look out for, the red hallway seems to be the most difficult, as I imagine this is where many would give up thinking it doesn't go anywhere.
  3. Patman Bof

    Oct 19, 2010
    There' s a red screen at the end of that vid. Mine was yellow with "call back later" written in many languages and it wasn' t the end, it led to a jump scare and continued (god I hadn' t been that scared by a game in ... ever I think). From what I gathered you gotta hear the 12 bells (multiple instances of that, check) to make the phone ring (so far no luck).

    Just found this :
    Ha ha! Don't know if this is confirmed yet, but...

    According to recent developments on Gaf, they believe the mystery to solving the last puzzle depends on whether or not you are talking into a microphone to activate the switch... Apparently anyone who speaks into their headset microphone has been managing to get through it much easier than those without! So it's using the PS4 voice commands to detect sound to get you through it through either a headset or the EYE camera mike!



    Start of loop.
    Go to HELL Message and turn around facing phone.
    Once bell starts ringing, walk forward Ten footsteps and then stop.
    Baby will giggle.
    Walk over to phone and wait for bells to stop ringing.
    Say "Hello?" into the mic and it should work.
    Wait for vibration to start and then finish. Do not move during vibration or you'll have to start over.
    Once vibration finishes, you'll get the third giggle.
    Phone will ring.
    Zoom in on it to activate it.
    Hear an unlocking noise, so leave through loop door.

    The timing of the speech may be a little later, but thats the gist of it. ... count=4122 ... count=4118


    Clues to getting the phone call in foreign text:

    My body shivered

    It was a cold hand

    Poi il suo indice scivolo sulla mia mano
    Then slide your index finger on my hand

    Glaubte ich ein Telefon zu hören
    Did I hear a phone

    Sussurrei seu nome
    Whispered his name

    Nell attesa inerte non and mossi piu
    During the inert waiting, I stopped moving

    Und durch Nebel schwindenden bewusstseins
    And dwindling due to fog awareness.

    I waited for it to pass.

    Never moving a step, his hand in mine.

    mas o vento da noite levou sua voz embora
    but the night wind carried his voice away

    What seems the solution:
    1. when you hear bells ringing, take ten steps (hold forward), then stop. You should hear a giggle.
    2. Then walk around while speaking through the mike until you hear a second giggle. The controller will start shaking. STOP moving.
    3. When the controller stops vibrating the phone will ring. Go and examine it. You'll get the "chosen" message.
    4. Go through loop door. ... count=4122


    Edit : 'kay so I tried using my mic and it does jack ****. I' m not even sure the damn thing is on, my PS4 doesn' t register its presence if I plug it all the way. Even when it does I can' t hear anything through it, even though I cranked up the sound to eleven. Weird.

    Well anyway, waiting for the bells then walking 10 slow steps towards the bathroom does get me a baby laugh most of the time, but I can' t get it to laugh again. I' ve tried every method I' ve read so far, to no avail. I think I' ll just keep my PS4 on until someone figures out something rock solid.
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2014
  4. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City
    I absolutely will tell you he doesn't have it. There's more than enough evidence to show that Kojima writes the script and has KojiPro actually make and design the game and he cuts what doesn't fit into his script. I don't think Kojima has ever designed a game- he didn't design MGS1, he picked ideas to be stitched together from people based on, again, whatever complimented his script. The fact he hates the NES MG2 and calls it a "bad game," even though it's a good game, and his only claim to support that is "he didn't like the writing"

    I'm not saying this difference in approach hasn't worked for him- it has. KojiPro made one of my favorite games of all time and I still consider it the game with the best message to take on the upcoming decades. That said, he doesn't design the games. He writes them into design.[DOUBLEPOST=1408122403][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Actually, he hasn't left Metal Gear after MGS2 because they were making MGS3 into a bad game. He didn't try to leave after MGS3, but he did after MGS4. In fact, he threw a big twitter tantrum because he suggested a new IP and Konami was like "YEAH! YEAH! KEEP MAKING US METAL GEAR!"
  5. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    Now that I think about it, why is the game called Silent Hills? It makes no sense. The name of the series comes from the town of Silent Hill. The one town called Silent Hill. So now there are multiple?

    Also, I've been seeing a lot of people turning on this new Silent Hill game based on P.T. which you have to play through to see the teaser trailer. And I guess I can understand why, Kojima made it borderline impossible to beat alone with the intention of getting the community to solve it together which is admirable but that shouldn't have been the case in the first place.

    Also, people keep calling it a demo even though it isn't and I heard one guy say it was, quote, "a new height in pretention." Which I don't really see how it is pretentious but whatever.
    Who in their right mind thinks Snake's Revenge is good?
  6. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City
    Uh lots of people. A lot of YouTube reviewers especially. I hate ProJared, but even he enjoyed Snake's Revenge. Snake's Revenge is a good game and people shame it like it's broken or not fun because it's not canon. People who've short of been rediscovering it have grown fond of it. It's grown into a min-cult idol. So yeah, to answer your question: Lots of people in their right minds think Snake's Revenge is good. It is. Worst bits are the sidescrolling sections.
  7. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    Eh, good enough point I suppose. I suppose I can't arguing people's personal tastes in regards to awful video games if they like the awful game.
  8. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City
    You were this close to saying something right but then you said "awful." TWICE. Ugh.

    Incidentally, your precious Kojima has even said it's "not a bad game" and "holds to the Metal Gear spirit" but he calls it "crap" because he didn't like the writing.

    I guess thanks to you using that lovely high shelf adjective for no reason, we've come full circle- Koji's a writer and a hands on director, not a designer. And that's fine. It leads to better productions. Which is what Silent Hill is honestly about.
  9. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    Aaaaaaaand I stop reading there. Cause you know, I honestly don't care what Kojima thinks about a game that I think is awful. He could come out and say Beyond Two Souls was a master piece that transcends time and I'd still think that "game" was pretentious garbage. But please, do go on making broad assumptions that I put Kojima on some sort of pedestal and that he can do no wrong.
  10. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City
    Did you play it?



    >Leaves me with ample evidence to make said "assumption"

    Ehhhhh, what's up doc?
  11. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    Yes. And thought it was terrible. But, that is irrelevant to this thread.
  12. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City
    Not really. I said something in response to a claim someone made that they wouldn't have made without this announcement. You responded to a piece of evidence with your opinion. I corrected you to say that people enjoy it and it's your taste. You seem to agree it's taste and then still call it awful (one being a subjective word, one being an objective one, let alone a high shelf objective adjective- ex: E.T is awful because it's a game that does not function nor have any rules. Snake's Revenge is awful because I think it's not fun even though it works fine despite people thinking fun"). I used your excitement from earlier to gauge how you feel about Kojima and used his words to attempt to shut you down again, and then brought it back to my original argument. You did post cut offs and went full asshat and I don't care to really keep track from there.

    Has a lot to do with this thread. If you didn't play it and were being this pushy with your taste, then it would mean you were just an asshole. But now you're just a player with conflicting game taste as I.

    >thought it was terrible

    Very different from

    I swear to god, you people have no idea you're basically getting mad over people who like Doritos tacos while you dislike them....
  13. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    First off, that was mean calling me names and that hurts my feelings. .__.
    Second, this is really irreverent to the thread.
    Third, game is still terrible.

    This exchange is over.
  14. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City
    I called a spade a spade, but sorry if it hurt your feelings.
  15. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    Fuuuuuuck guys chill.

    Anyone calling P.T. pretentious doesn't understand the title meaning PLAYABLE TEASER. As in, no shit it's hard to figure out (if it even has been figured out just how to get the ending; there are still only theories.) It's also not a demo; it's literally just a PS4-tech version of those online websites that movies used to have. I really liked it personally.

    Second, there will ALWAYS be someone who likes stuff you don't. Boo hoo. Best to move o, especially considering Snake's Revenge is done and has been done for decades. What have you t lose from letting people enjoy it?

    Third, Kojima's a good director, but he's still a kook.
  16. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    I don't get why people call it pretentious. I've seen pretention and it is far from pretentious. The people I listened to didn't really give a reason WHY it was pretentious. Tedious, sure I can't say it wasn't tedious bullshit (especially with that hole in the wall thing) but tedious doesn't equal pretentious.
  17. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
  18. parabola Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 28, 2014
  19. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    I had to stop at the two minute mark. I simply can't stand the type of commentary in that video.
  20. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male