I needed a new sig, so i made this, but IDK if i should use it. what do you think? i traced over the lines for the image myself 8D
You really shouldn't use that keep your old one. This one looks way too cartoony and doesn't go with your avvy.
Oh this is amazing! O: A wonderdful job, but I'm not so into the text you used. Or rather, where it was placed. But nice pic you've got there. Very nice, blue sig :]
Well...I think it needs more effects...alot more effects. Other than that, I like the transparent coloring you used for the picture itself, so overall I give it a 8/10.
I like it but it does need a little more effect.To me it seems,a little plain.I like the picture you chose.Very good.I give it an 8/10.
Geez guys, not everything needs a **** load of effects, i like it simple, kthanx. :| @Reisen: (cuz i'm too lazy to quote) what's PS4/3 i feel kinda stupid now XD
i find that photoshop elements is not always good to use. I use CS2. anyways to the sig. overall it is good but the outline of the text is way too thick and it detracts from the tag, maybe if you lowered the pixel size of the outline of the text it would improve a bit more. 7/10