It's so-so, to be honest...The coloring is great, but the way you had the effects across him made it come out a little bit on the weird side. Otherwise, it's okay...
It's okay. I think the red should be behind Sora, not on or across. Maybe changing Sora's color to match the backgrond color? Or maybe darkening it to make it look better. Anyways, it's alright. EDIT: Damn! I didn't notice the text. should be in the bottom left corner, and maybe with a fancy style? That would be cool.
It doesn't have much depth. To me, it looks like Sora with some diagonal fuzzy clouds over him. Also, the text is alright. 7/10.
Yeah, I tried to take it out, but it didn't really work. What do you mean red? You mean the pouch? And with the text, I saw it was like one of Mouse's, you know, complicated looking. So I made the text color match the background, and put it beside Sora's head. I set it to a Dark Setting, and the effects crossed him. And with Overlay it made him fade with the background.
It's not all that great, and the effect is very uneven. It covers part of Sora and none of the Keyblade. The effect itself isn't all that great either, and the render doesn't blend well with the tag. The text is a plus. 6/10
Actually, I was surprised that it didn't effect the keyblade, that's one thing I liked. What do you mean that the effect isn't great???
I would've said all that if it weren't for bad timing. 6/10 as well and for pretty much the same reasons.