Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Fearless, Nov 11, 2011.
After, what, over a year? And a matching avatar to boot. Y/Y?
I'm diggin' it. Spoiler Mine contains the superior sort-of-villain though :E
Looks good to me; good job on matching the avatar and signature, by the way.
Your sig is currently 774 x 176 pixels.
No it's not. You're a liar. Stop lying.
Now why would I do a thing like that?
Because you're a troll.
But it's true.
*sees what you did there*
I laughed. Seriously.
I wish we could have signatures like this. I like it though, Fearless.
You rang ?
Ooooohhhh. Butterfly fairies. I am very pleased by this signature.