New Secret Images!

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Mar 29, 2007.

  1. Xaldin ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hey guys, some new secret images came out! I'm unsure where they originated from, however they are very interesting! It should be noted that by the quality of these screenshots the secret ending might have been ripped!

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Thanks to our Forum members Twilight Deity Link and -Riku- for notifying me of these. And thanks to Kouli from Gamefaqs for ripping the images!
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Mar 29, 2007.

    1. DarknessKingdom
      I dont think see how it can be Roxas. They may look similar but it dosent mean it's the same person. >.>
    2. Lord Knight Xiron
      Lord Knight Xiron
      Don't worry. The Roxas fans are in the middle-page posts. I already went through most of these.

      And, yeah, I already answered that question.
    3. lixiethedomedone
      i don't see how it wouldn't be roxas unless he was cloned or had an unknown identical twin (not likely).....even if it's not him......seeing someone in his exact likeness all cold and lifeless makes me emo beyond recognition.... T_T
    4. DarknessKingdom
      Not to mention they are in the Secret Ending video topic too >.>
    5. lixiethedomedone
      yes.........YES.........YES!!!! that would be amazing >_<
    6. Bmario17
      I think the Roxas looking guy could be the dad or son of Sora. Think about it Roxas is Sora's nobodie meaning he looks like Sora, so wouldn't his son or dad look like sora. And in the first secret video from KH2 one of the people hold his weapon exacutally like sora, just my thoughts.
    7. Rufus
      TT_____TT OMG if that's really is Roxas on the bottom I'm so gonna cry TwT
    8. John S.
      John S.
      Alright, no more discussing stuff like this, What where leaving it as is know one knows for sure.
    9. Yozora
      Just let them. But don't let them have a flame war on this.

      I bet that the dude with the yellow eyes is somehow related to Xemnas.
    10. Sara
      I'm warning you guys now, there's a whole theory section in this forum. Post it there or get a warning. This is your only chance.

      Cool images. :D
    11. Anase
      Right. The worse thing that could happen is when the game finally does come out... we'd all feel pretty crunchy, along with all of our theories of Roxas and Xehanort and the keyblades and... ugh... I'm confusing myself again. I'm just gonna leave it alone. When I first saw the secret ending for KH2... that gave me a headache.

      Master of Keyblade.

      The Lost two.

      Memory of Xehanort.


      Keyblade War.

      Birth by Slumber.

      :confused: That alone was confusticating. I'm going to leave it alone... leave it alone... *twitches* leave.... it... alone.... *twitch*.

      But the other one... that freaked me out. I'll leave that one alone too... no moooorrrreee... *zones out.*
    12. roxas_XIII
      OMFG THATS ROXAS....i pretty sure
    13. Spiritoso
      o.O The frozen he ROXAS!?!?!?! The freak is going on here!?!
    14. xoxoroxasxoxo
      everyone in there looks a lil more mature than the guys in kh2.... yay!
    15. Cerberus55
      i betya that this game will be in the future after that sora defeated xemnas. i mean if one of the knights face sora in final mix doesnt it mean that the knight still have to fight against evil?
    16. shingo_the_pest
      Heh, going through old posts is so much fun. Did anyone guess that these came from the FM2 secret ending?