New Scans of Secret Ending!

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Mar 20, 2007.

  1. Xaldin ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    New Scans of Secret Ending! + KH2FM+ Ultimania

    Hey guys some new scans have come out for the secret ending!


    Note of the Text:

    - The Theatre Mode is shown after Clearing Kingdom Hearts II FInal Mix
    - A Japanese Event is shown from clearing Chain of Memories.
    - The really strong E.S gets defeated easily.
    - In the Secret Ending, we get to see the skinman (Eh?) defeat the three armored people eaisly, it is known as a MUST SEE scene.
    - The Moon is shown through a whisp of clouds. (Possibly Kingdom Hearts)
    - A Mysterious man with silver hair is looking after one of the E.S.
    - The Person that looks like spiderman (Weird dude that's with baldguy) is holding a keyblade.

    Also the Kingdom Hearts Final Mix+ Ultimania booklet has been announced and will be released on May the Second.

    Here are some hilights for the Ultimania

    1 - It will include Final Mix and re:COM.
    2 - An Interview will be featured about the New Project
    3 - It will be like the Kingdom Hearts II Ultimania however will have alot more added things into it.
    4 - The Interview will also talk about the recreation of scenes from COM to re:COM
    5 - The Book is estimated to have around 736 pages.
    6 - There's a 64 pages on Kingdom Hearts, and iwll be sold as "Kingdom Hearts Ultimania, Enlarged and Revised Edition"
    7 - The Book will talk about near the end the changes from the original KH2, to Final Mix.

    You can view the KH2FM+ Article Here

    Source: Light in the Chaos Also Thanks to Forum member DaBigDragon.
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Mar 20, 2007.

    1. Darkvincent
      that guy has the same costume as Ansem(xehornort's heartless) there could be a connection
    2. hacker 26
      hacker 26
      Im starting to think that sora riku and kairi died and those are their kids or!

      Thats the past of sora riku and kairis ancestors
    3. kitty_mckechnie
      well the bald guy ain't wearing armour, so he may not be new.
    4. hacker 26
      hacker 26
      agreed that could make sense.....but then that destroys my theory bout them being from the past....thanks i reaized my thoery was wrong
    5. Darkvincent
      some said that the 3 knights hav nothing to do with sora riku and kairi so I doubt that
    6. Xata of Organization 14
      Xata of Organization 14
      hey guys this is my new file i was hacker 26 but now im this name ok? peace brothas jk im still here
    7. Soushirei
      You might want to ask an Admin to delete your other account. I don't think you're allowed to have more than one. <.<

      Anyway, regardless, that secret ending is definitely a must-see. It's very doubtful the three armoured knights are Sora, Riku or Kairi since like already mentioned before--by Nomura--they are completely new characters.
    8. roxasrwns
      I think the Keybade the Spider-man look alike is wielding the short AU's Keyblade. At about 55 seconds into the secret ending, you can just barely see his Keyblade, but they look similair. So I think the AU being held up by the Xehanort is the short one and he took the short one's Keyblade and gave it to the Spider-man look alike.
    9. Chad Thundercucc
    10. the worm who ate midgar
      the worm who ate midgar
      my lord, dose everyone in the universe have a keyblade now!?!? is everyone going to be a Pc?

      and is it just me or does that bald guy look like gannondorf from zelda?

      but anyway, that spiderman-like guy is defently wering the same dark outfit that riku had, and considering that the bald guy has Xenorts heartles' clothes, then mabey thay have the same powers, or at least the same connection (the red guy is hte bald guys survent)
    11. Twilight Deity Link
      Twilight Deity Link
      this game will be crazy

      and like i said earlier what else does nomura have up his sleeve
    12. Yozora
      HOLY ****!!!! OMFG! I want his game! It will be awesome! =D
    13. Xata of Organization 14
    14. kitty_mckechnie
      a lot of people seem to have theories about the secret ending & what's it's about n' stuff, but i think once people see it it will leave them even more confused.
    15. Darkvincent
      yea thats wat namura said that its gannah make use even more confused and I say Namura BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!!
    16. kitty_mckechnie
      LOL, i don't really care if it confuses me more, it will make more excited for the new one to come out. (which should take years)
    17. oblivion19929
      What does "E.S" stand for?

      They talk about ES guy.
    18. kitty_mckechnie
      where did you see "ES", in this thread?
    19. oblivion19929

      - A Mysterious man with silver hair is looking after one of the E.S.
    20. kitty_mckechnie
      i guess it must be one of the armoured people. someone correct me if i'm wrong please.