New Scans of Secret Ending!

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Mar 20, 2007.

  1. Xaldin ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    New Scans of Secret Ending! + KH2FM+ Ultimania

    Hey guys some new scans have come out for the secret ending!


    Note of the Text:

    - The Theatre Mode is shown after Clearing Kingdom Hearts II FInal Mix
    - A Japanese Event is shown from clearing Chain of Memories.
    - The really strong E.S gets defeated easily.
    - In the Secret Ending, we get to see the skinman (Eh?) defeat the three armored people eaisly, it is known as a MUST SEE scene.
    - The Moon is shown through a whisp of clouds. (Possibly Kingdom Hearts)
    - A Mysterious man with silver hair is looking after one of the E.S.
    - The Person that looks like spiderman (Weird dude that's with baldguy) is holding a keyblade.

    Also the Kingdom Hearts Final Mix+ Ultimania booklet has been announced and will be released on May the Second.

    Here are some hilights for the Ultimania

    1 - It will include Final Mix and re:COM.
    2 - An Interview will be featured about the New Project
    3 - It will be like the Kingdom Hearts II Ultimania however will have alot more added things into it.
    4 - The Interview will also talk about the recreation of scenes from COM to re:COM
    5 - The Book is estimated to have around 736 pages.
    6 - There's a 64 pages on Kingdom Hearts, and iwll be sold as "Kingdom Hearts Ultimania, Enlarged and Revised Edition"
    7 - The Book will talk about near the end the changes from the original KH2, to Final Mix.

    You can view the KH2FM+ Article Here

    Source: Light in the Chaos Also Thanks to Forum member DaBigDragon.
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Mar 20, 2007.

    1. hacker 26
      hacker 26
      been wonderin for some time...dont laugh but wht does <3 meen? omg ty ???? i almost double posted

      Connection! u remember how xehanort was holding a girl figure in armor? well i think tht was kairi and remember the guy who was kneeling on the ground looking up to him? well i think that was sora, i think sora wasnt beaten but he faught back. I think Twilight Deity Link's display picture was sora fighting xehanort. This could mean that riku was the other knight and they all faught.
    2. kh2punk
      My guess: I think it's a bald Diz or Ansem the Wise, because he died causing a heartless (Ansem/Xeahnort) and a nobody (Xemnas) maybe this is how Diz dies, and that outfit looks a lot like Riku Replica's outfit. Since the blade is bond of flames, could it be Axel? but i doubt that, or the REAL Axel i mean, cuz u knoe axel is a nobody
    3. hacker 26
      hacker 26
      got another connection! rememebr Twilight Deity Link's pic and how he looked like his half face armor was hit off?

      look closely in the pisture with xehanort holding up kairi and notice that soras head armor is missing a horn! llok at my pic,then look at the new pic

      this could be sora getting kairi back because he doesnt want to lose her or him fighting the heartless armoured guy

      this might be replica riku remade? its not riku thow because remember sora and riku and kairi are staying together foreever now
    4. kitty_mckechnie
      That is nothing but pure speculation. It is a good one, but that is all.
    5. hacker 26
      hacker 26
      just trying to connect bro no harm here
    6. Shadow Tactician
      Shadow Tactician
    7. hacker 26
      hacker 26
      i agree with Shadow Tactician....that looks nuthin like bond a flames
    8. kitty_mckechnie
      sorry it wasn't intended for it to sound mean or anything, my bad.
    9. Shadow Tactician
      Shadow Tactician
      ok, we know that for a fact, we are able to fight one of those knights in kh2 fm+, but i want to know which of the 3 are the stongest. do we fight all 3 of the knights? or just the one? and if they are the hardest bosses so far, and the bald dude easily beat them...that means the bald dude is like, sephiroth times 10. can anyone see the shape of the bald guy's keyblade?
    10. Soushirei
      Apparently that Armoured Knight boss battle is easy. <.< says first post of this thread.
    11. kitty_mckechnie
      i don't think they have shown a keyblade for the bald man. well not that i've seen.
    12. Shadow Tactician
      Shadow Tactician

      actually, if you look close at both of these guys...they both are the same person.
      the top pic is close up and you can see the bottom jaw part of the helmet is white. in the bottom pic, you can also barely see the white showing. plus, they both have a huge red-colored mark on their bodies. those 2 are the same person.

      check the first picture on the 1st part of the thread. the bald guy is holding one of the knights up, and in his other hand is a keyblade, but its hard to see.
    13. hacker 26
      hacker 26
      ill magnefy it k?

      okay ive cut it down to oathkeeper or heroes crest due to the 2 bars in the middle

      Could somebody get me a picture of the keyblade graveyard?
    14. kitty_mckechnie
      oh yeah, opps completely missed that. perhaps the keyblade belongs to the person the bald guy is holding?
    15. Shadow Tactician
      Shadow Tactician
      that actually sounds like it. the one knight with the borken faceplate kinda looked like sora. the knight had blue eyes, but i couldn't see much of the hair. the hair looked blonde like roxas, but i doubt that was him. riku replica? maybe that was why he picked up riku's old keyblade? the middle one (sora, as some people think) picked up sora's keyblade and the female one (kairi to some) picked up mickey's keyblade. confusing, but interesting.

      by the way, the one on the far right of this pic, he's holding one of his keyblades backwards.

      oops. with my last post, i meant hacker's sig. look at the 3 knights, and one of them is holding his keyblade backwards.
    16. soraxle
      that guy DOES look like Spiderman. :D lol
    17. hacker 26
      hacker 26
      i noticed in the kh2 secret vid that there is a destroyed item at 15 seconds through out the movie

      also that looks kind of like the ship we destroyed in kh2 at the end

      HEY!! i noticed that the main guy IS sora because 2 of him go inside of him at 25 seconds throughout the movie possibly roxas?

      I also notice at 1:16 of the video u can c the knight on the right is holding a different keyblade also shown in my pic (on the left of my pic)

      1 more the end it says the lost 2......who would that be rocgnising? kairi and riku or the bald man and heartless dude
    18. DaBigDragon
      Nomura already said the people in the armor are completely new characters, so why does everyone keep saying the guy is Sora?
    19. kitty_mckechnie
      i suppose it's cause they think he looks like Sora. (although he does kinda)
    20. hacker 26
      hacker 26
      nomura may want to trick us?

      Nomura already said the people in the armor are completely new characters, so why does everyone keep saying the guy is Sora?

      Then explain ansem??