Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Nov 19, 2010.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York
    Hey everyone,

    New scans from Jump magazine features some content from the extended edition of KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep, which is titled as "KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep FINAL MIX" and is set for release on January 20th 2011.

    <center><a href=""><img src="" alt="" title="KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep FINAL MIX" width="300" height="225" class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-2395" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="" title="KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep FINAL MIX" width="200" height="300" class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-2396" /></a></center>

    These two new scans above feature the new boss battle, which has surfaced not to long ago already. Other screenshots include the Mirage Arena, mini-games and some form of new artwork that hasn't been seen any where before until today.

    Source: FF-Reunion, KHU and our member Shiki for letting me know.
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Nov 19, 2010.

    1. EvilMan_89
      cool, i was TOTALLY right about the new secret boss being in mirage arena. that makes it more fun if more than one person can fight, but i can't imagine a more over-powered boss than the mysterious figure.
    2. Blayz Mods
      Blayz Mods
      Awesome this makes me want to get this game even more when i get my psp for xmas. OH MAN I cant wait.^o^
    3. Arch
      You mean Eraqus's armor? It was already stated that it would be in the Mirage Arena in an interview a long time ago. He's been said to be harder than the Unknown as well. @-@

      Sadly there isn't much new here other than a good full picture of Eraqus's armor/new secret boss. It looks a little funny. XD
    4. key dragon
      key dragon
      Somehow I can see Eraqus being connected to the Secret Episode or something. Hopefully he's part of the new Secret Ending.
    5. Key master Sora
      Key master Sora
      That's some sexy armor...

      just kidding, it looks pretty cool! XD Why didn't Eraqus just use it when fighting terra? That would have been really cool @-@
    6. dabestgamer
      Yet somehow... it might be.

      Then when some guy beats him on the first day the game is released, they'll try and make a new secret boss for the next KH game (most likely to have a secret boss) and try to make that boss EVEN harder.
    7. Shift
      I doubt Eraqus Armor will be harder than MF, even while soloing.
      Seriously, they can't possibly make it harder unless ALL of his attacks ignore 1 HP abilities, make all attacks ignore blocks and make it even more luck based, there's just no way.
    8. kingdom_hearts_loverXX
      I agree, since I see MF sort-of like the main antagonist in this game, most likely he'll be the same or just a little stronger. (took me a few tries in the original game) I like his armor as well, it just makes me want to import this game even more. -__-
    9. kh_luver
      OH MY GOD, it looks awesome!
      Pity that I still haven't bought BBS so I don't understand anything of the BBS story.
      Why is Final Mix only available in Japan or sometimes in America, why not in Europe?!
    10. Shift
      It's aways Japan exclusive actually.
    11. StardustXtreme
      It does help you have party members this time around, if it's in Mirage Arena, it must be strong enough to handle 3 high leveled heroes at the same time.
    12. Stella Nox Fleuret
      Stella Nox Fleuret
      OMG those scans are awesome..
      And I do hope Eraqus is related to the secret ending, his Armour battle looks amazing. Even Testuya Nomura got owned by it, that means it's one hell of a boss, I'm so looking foward to January.
    13. Solid Snake
      Solid Snake
      Am I reading the name right of the new boss? Armor of the Master? So, it isn't actually Eraqus?
    14. Blayz Mods
      Blayz Mods
      Even if you live in Europe you still should be able to play bbs final mix because the psp isn't region locked.^ ^
    15. Xamad
      Well, if by actually Eraqus you mean Eraqus himself instead of his last thoughts floating around in his Armor, then no...we won't really know until the game comes out...hopefully we won't lose as bad as the last final mix...
    16. Solid Snake
      Solid Snake
      So it's basically just another Lingering Sentiment... pfft, creative.
    17. Shift
      It's in the Mirage Arena, no matter what it is, it isn't canon in the end.
    18. Solid Snake
      Solid Snake
      I'm surprised the secret boss in KHFM was canon in the KHII flashbacks. But, yeah, I'm sure you're right.
    19. Xamad
      It might be in Mirage arena, it might not...either way, I'm satisfied with what we got...also, anyone noticed the Unveresed have been recolored?