New Sanctuary

Discussion in 'Forum Families' started by Firekeyblade, Jul 14, 2010.

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  1. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Substitute 'likely' for 'possible' and I'll agree. It's still possible in the other cases, but it's significantly harder.

    THIS. I don't think much can top a complete ban on any communication online.

    I think I'll stick to waiting for now. One close shave is probably enough. Absol will come online at some point, and will stick around for a conversation with Pyrø, at which point Pyrø will use super convincing talking powers or something.

    Out of interest, does anyone here live in Montana?

    EDIT: Dammit! I just realised that I won't get the opportunity to gloat to Absol about finding a leaked 2011 release of an album, while she's stuck using Napster. What's the fun in getting a release early, if you can't rub it in someone's face? D:
  2. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    I see. Well, best of luck to Pyro and Absol.
  3. Malice Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 3, 2010
    Confined to this horrid prison.
    I was using lighter terms. Parents who even begin to do that are either idiots, or honestly wish to use the child as a way to let out stress from their own problems. Depending. If it is for belief based reasons, then I lean mainly to the idiot reason. Unless they are dirt poor and live in the tiniest apartment in existance, I believe that measures of extreme torment should be taken upon them so that they may either learn the folly of there ways, or to make those who they have helled back with their idiocy laugh in return.
    Of course, i can't give much on the situation either way. Maybe the parents are nice people, or maybe they're really the a-holes that I'm assuming they are, then my hopes only lean towards the worst possible future in existance for them :3

    I do not live in Montana
    And you must find far and wide young pikachu....and find many for whom may make fun of and taunt in never-ending glee
  4. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    The argument is that it's for safety reasons, or something similar. Everyone on here is a paedophile, etc. It's the usual internet prejudice. Sadly, there's not much one can do against irrational fear.
  5. Malice Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 3, 2010
    Confined to this horrid prison.
    Ugh, I see. Idiots then. I even saw a vid in school about how irrational so many people are about the online predator "threat". They're so obvious that if you can't understand that the person is what they are, they probably have it coming -.- I even got one thrown out of my last forum >>
    Anouther case of overprotective parents. I hope for her sake that she finds a way around this then :/
  6. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    She's been doing so on and off for three years, so it's more a matter of willpower, as sneaking online is stressful. The idea was for Pyrø to fix that much, but there doesn't seem to be a way to get Pyrø to speak to her, apart from just waiting.
  7. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    I don't know Absol so I have no opinion.

    As for online relationships, I used to be strictly against those.
    Then I ended up falling for someone on here<3
    But we didn't date.
    Although everyone assumed we were and I think we pretty much were at the point where it was unofficial? I don't know, it was complicated.
    It sure had the drama of a relationship though >>

    And then I actually dated someone else from here.
    That was...hectic.
    Plus the fact that she lived in Europe really didn't help.
    And when one of my ex's came back to the picture...

    online relationships = can work.
    Physical relationships > online relationships except for rare cases.
    Online relationships =/= long distance relationship (for the first, I assume that no physical meeting has ever taken place)

    These days, with the internet, cell phones, skype, and everything, it's much easier to make it work though, even if it still is incredibly difficult.

    I have great friends online, several know my number. One's like a little sister to me. I person knows my address (I got a Christmas card<3). Maybe two.
  8. Malice Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 3, 2010
    Confined to this horrid prison.
    Leave it to waiting then. I'm sure that when things come to a calm then she'll be willing to give it a shot once again (or at least I think). Sometimes breaks are good anyway ig... depending on the length. But still, I'm sure she'll find a means...

    And knight, I can agree definatly on the friend part. I myself have someone like a little sister on here (the reason I ever visited in the first place).

    Oi, so for a more upbeat topic, whats everyone getten their peoples for christmas? (Not family, but actual friends. spending money on people you have no real duty to do this for and out of the kindness of your heart B|)
  9. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Maybe I am being irrational, but I'd still keep most everything private until later in the future when I'm....more capable? of handling my life and such. Till then, for the sake of hiding from tracers, all personal info is private. Well, most of it, anyway.

    And I'm getting nothing for anyone.
  10. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    I used to be very, very, very private on the Internet. I went by a fake name, age, location and everything. Mainly because the first time I was ever chatting online with someone was when I was eight. Her name was Kari. <3 We still keep in contact. When I was that young, I was taught to be super careful. I only started using my real information to people I trusted like two years ago, I think. A lot of people on this site have my number, three have my address. Most know my real name (thank you Facebook). It does make me feel a little weird, thinking about just how open I am on the Internet, but pedophiles, freaks, weirdos and such are just bloody obvious, to me. :/ Seriously. Someone who's overly-eager for your personal information, hesitant to reveal any information, sneaky, sensual, saying "all the right things". Giving or asking for massive amounts of attention/affection. I've run into those creepers before, and it's just...obvious something's weird. Some people are too trusting, and stupid to realize but when you've been trained to be paranoid your whole life, you kinda pick up on the signs.

    Howeverrrr, I have been lied to several times in terms of gender. Mainly by the friends I had when I was like ten, on the internet. When they were as young (or younger) than me and we were ALL lying to each other. xD Just last week my play "brother" from eight years ago revealed to me that they were actually a girl. v:

    Got my friend an iTunes gift card, got my other friend a Onion emote plushie (she's obsessed with that plushie). Wrote three friends a song, sent out some letters, knitted my boyfriend fuzzy socks, designed and bought a custom made t-shirt, and bought the both of us matching Vocaloid thingies. Um.


    I'm keeping Len and I'm sending him Rin. <333 The Kagamine twins are our thing.

    He doesn't have Internet right now, and he doesn't stalk me on KHV or anything but I'll probably edit this anyways later. XD
  11. Malice Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 3, 2010
    Confined to this horrid prison.
    Oh, no no fire, not you. By irrational, I mean no internet at all. Its ok to not give out personal info. But to completely lock someone away from all communicational devices is anouther story .-.

    And lol. Awkward gender benders ftw

    And lol, I would honestly describe the things I am getting my friends, but since I'm barely known here, the only present I'm stating is that one friend is getting a gallon of Milk B| (I'm poor, so I decided to be an awkward duckling and get everyone whatever I believe will make them react in the most amusing of fashions)
  12. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    DUUUUUUUDE! Those are so cute! >_>

    Anyway, yes that is pretty over the top to ban all communication from fear. And Jayn, that was pretty young of you. >_> I don't think I even started interacting with people on the internet besides e-mails to friends I know personally, until I was..............12? Maybe even 13....or even 14.....ah....good times....anyway, I didn't necessarily use a fake name. I used my last name. XD Hahaha.....everything else was private or not listed. Though, for some reason I left my e-mail address on that account....which is how one person found me again. Anyway, I hardly talk to any of those old friends anymore. I guess I outgrew them. I'm half worried that might happen here too.
  13. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Huh? I don't get it. How do you go on an online date? Surely it's just talking to them via Skype or something similar? Or do you mean you didn't make any commitment with the first?

    Wait a second. Does this mean that nearly everyone in this family has had or is in an online relationship? The only ones who haven't (to my knowledge) are FKB, KMS and Nova. If this keeps up, Spdude will have to sell the site. He's specifically said he's not interested in hosting a dating site. :p

    I can't see anything good coming out of this at all, but that's just me.

    Oh? Who's that?

    I don't spend money on my friends OR my family. My parents don't have anything I can give them, so they end up managing the gifts my sister and I give them. My friends just don't do that sort of thing.

    I never used to pay any thought to it, but now that I am, it's actually quite depressing. .__.

    I hate it when people list off traits like this. I immediately start checking myself against them, and some of them are pretty hard to avoid, especially if you're being less than generous in your marking. How am I supposed to avoid saying "all the right things"? Shall I start making comments like "No, that dress doesn't make you look fat; you're just obese"?

    Lol, genderbending fun. I've fallen out of contact with all of the friends I made when I was around that age. I did make one friend a bit later though. It was on an Animal Crossing website. We chatted for a while, then ultimately fell out of contact. I replied to a topic someone with a similar name on Gamefaqs posted a while ago, just answering the topic question. He then saw my username, and asked if I was the same Pika_power as before. We then exchanged MSN details, and have chatted occasionally since.

    I've got a fair few acquaintances and friends on here, but I've given little personal information out. Most people know my first and last names, thanks to Facebook and my MSN account giving it to anyone I talk to. Then those people tell others. (I haven't ever MSN'd What?, for example, and he knew my last name.)

    There's one friend I've known for almost as long as I've been on this site, although he's also one I met over Animal Crossing. We spoke occasionally, but mostly just type to each other. I've joined in a fair few Skype conversations with his circle of friends, and that's fun enough.

    What's people's perspectives on age in relation to friendships (or in the case of two notable members on here, relationships) offline and online?
  14. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Well....since my parents are old-fashioned and it's kind of rubbed off onto me, I question such relations. It always looks kind of suspicious if you're friends with someone too old. Unless it's just a friendly teacher-student relationship. So most times I meet such cases of love with an age difference with....prejudice? I know it's not really fair since I don't know if the two really love each other and I'm not close with them, etc., but I can't help looking at it as malicious. It's a bad habit of mine to prejudge. I half blame my parents ingraining my head with stereotypes. -_- Forgive me. I'm trying to work on these faults.
  15. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    I was more focusing on the differences for friendships, as opposed to romantic relationships. Personally, I'd usually stick to a couple of years deviation in either direction at the most. Anything more than that, and I imagine it would be too odd. I don't judge others for trying it, but I personally wouldn't choose to get into one. (Although saying that, I'd probably still go for it. :/ )

    It just struck me, because of how we've got a fairly large age gap on the forums, yet everyone seems to get along well enough. Instead of age-difference, it seems the strongest divider on here is simply join-date. I tend to have a lot more 2007-2008 friends than I do 2006. (Then again, that could be because '06s are rarer.) Furthermore, a good deal of my online friends are older than me from anywhere between six months to six years.

    Offline, I have quite a few friends who are a year older, but nothing really goes beyond that, possibly because I don't often get the chance to talk to anyone older.

    Come to think of it, I'm acquainted with a whole lot of people who are a year or two younger than me, due to clubs at school. I never honestly realised that before. O.o
  16. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Aw, don't worry. I mean've known them for two days and they're calling you the "sexiest, most talented, perfect creature they've ever laid eyes on". That kind of "all the right things". XD

    Also...I've been friends with some older people. One of them from this forum being twenty-three when we first met. I think I was sixteen. So almost two years ago. I thought it was weird, but only because said guy decided he was in love with me in a month and another member here was all like, "I've been in love with him for five years, *****." and I was NOT getting into that drama so he and I barely talk anymore.

    All in all, if it's a casual friendship, I don't think there's anything wrong with it. When it's an intense friendship/relationship with someone who's like six or higher years older than you, I find it just a bit odd. Something like...there shouldn't be that much you have in common with someone that much older than you. But I don't outright judge people for it.
  17. Malice Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 3, 2010
    Confined to this horrid prison.
    The Angel of christmas be she who is like a sister to me, for I shall beateth up all who be mean to her and make them my bishie (tried to make that rhyme. I feel poetic tonight B|)

    You should do what I'm doing and just get them normal every day items. Hell, I'm getting my best chick friend a wife beater for christmas XD

    Now THATS a tricky one. Offline, I can basically say any age. I'm actually friends with two of my teachers as of this moment (they're the chill kind that people usually love in relation to the stuck up prude kind).

    Online is an entirely different topic though. I mean...I'm friends with a few young adults (20's and such). But I've learned that no matter what, you should never be too trusting. I remember I was going to actually meet up with one (I've met one person I met on the internet and thats it. So long as precautions are set up, I see no problem with it, but still don't advise it for others. I'm willing to risk it if I honestly feel that that persons trustworthy, but at the same time im 6 ft tall and can fend for myself. Just felt I should say). This young adult though (unlike the person I met) I later found out was starting to become slightly more suspicious. Its also the reason why unless you're willing to go on webcam, I will never give you my trust.
    Anyways, after taking the time and consideration, I was able to confirm on my own that this guy was in fact a pedophile. Its why I strongly go to the fact that even if you're gonna be friends with an adult online, you do not EVER get personal. Its just too big a risk.

    An adult going out with a teen is a no go, definatly. If its a college student then thats a different story, but no way should some 21 year old be going out with some teenager in high school. Love or not, it's a matter of mind sets and maturity. I might sound harsh for thinking it to some people, but not once have I ever seen this kind of couple without the 2 facts that A. The girl think he's the one and is going to marry him and is constantly making up excuses for the age difference, and B. they've been playing the touch game every night in the back seat of a white van.
    Now I'm sure that somewhere out in the world, it may actually be lejit, but otherwise, I'm honestly going to say that I think that it's not a good idea at all to put an adult and a teen in a relationship.
  18. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    O_o.....dude that's so dangerous. But i'm glad you caught on to him before it got really dangerous. Anyway, I tend to have a lot of younger friends too. XD ...but I actually have a lot of older friends too....hmm....
  19. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    A wife beater? What on Earth is that?
  20. Patman Bof

    Oct 19, 2010
    One of my childhood friend got a crush over her gym teacher, she was 18 at the time and he was 30+. I wasn' t the only one to think this was more than a little creepy, but she seemed serious about it. I didn' t know the guy at all, but she never hided the fact that she liked older guys, she was (and still is) very smart and she seemed serious about it so we never made any comment about it (well, not in her presence).
    Now we' re both 30 and she had two kids with him ! Life is full of surprises ...
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