New Project Interview (Update)

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Apr 28, 2007.

  1. Xaldin ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hey guys, it seems the Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix+ Ultimania may have been released early!? As ff13vids managed to read off a bit of it, and had this comment to say about the "New Project"

    A much more accurate translation coming soon.

    Edit: TheWertle managed to help with smoothing out some parts of the post making it more accurate, as well as more understandable.

    - The Following about the "New Project"

    - It is not Kingdom Hearts III, but it is a Anecdote work! (Anecdote means a short story / biography that is interesting or amusing) Because I think Sora has a big role to fill! So let's draw other characters other then Sora for the following work now. (Does this mean Sora will have a new look?)

    - I could do nothing but talk about "Birth of Sleep" also I want to explain what Mickey did in the World of Darkness, and also how he got his keyblade.

    - I have a feeling I want to work on developing Roxas the most. It is interesting to draw in one year, the birth of him, and then next the disappearance of him

    - I want to make this slightly different from the Kingdom Hearts series, and change the system a little.

    - The Multi developing makes me want to put it on something else, without thinking. If we follow this idea, it would be hard to choose if to make it for the "PSP", "NDS" or the Cellular Phone.

    Source: FF13vids
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Apr 28, 2007.

    1. Desmonic
      WOW!! I wonder how Sora will look if he gets a new visual?..I hope that the new games comes out for PS2, too...Is Roxas going to re-appear in this new series?
      Anyways, thanks for the info Xaldin!
    2. kitty_mckechnie
      very interesting stuff here. thanks for the post Xaldin. :D
    3. kevz2kool
      does this mean TURN BASED?!?! it better not
    4. Peyton
      This wa sreally interesting! I wonder how Sora will look of they change him a bit;P.
      Thanks a lot Xaldin.
    5. MoTi550
      Does this imply that the "new project" is the telling of those 4 things in Another Report?
    6. Tetra
      O.o It better not be turned based since most people jump to 'Final Fantasy' with TBG. (Turn based games) I personally would like to see it on DS or PSP more toward the latter because I don't have a DS yet. ^^;
    7. TGA
      Ug... I DON't want another handheld!!!
    8. Dzapa
      I would love it if it came out for the DS. They could really spice it up with touch screen controls.
    9. DarkRikuMan
      I dont have a DS or PSP so i wouldnt want it to come on to handheld also if it was turn based that would suck alot
    10. Toshi
      In my opinion it is better if it comes for PS2, PSP, N-DS and maybe Wii. The only console of these I have is a PS2, so it suits me fine if it comes out for the PS2. But cellular phone? Oh come on...
      New look you say? I wonder how he'll look.
      New game system, huh? In my opinion it would be a good idea to change the style slightly, but not the whole system.

      Thanks for the info guys.
    11. # IV Ixbran
      # IV Ixbran
      Hmmm, its very cool.

      i think it would be cool if it came out for eathr PSP or DS.

      one reaspon is i have both, so it would be ok for me, but i think it would be beter if it came out for the PSP, partly because they could make it 3D with voice overs.

      But then again the last hand held version was for the GBA, so it would make sence for the next spin off be for the predessesor of the GBA, the DS.

      I think it would be a bad choce if the made it for Cell Phones. Mostly because then we would require a sertan kind of phone to play it ... that would really suck!
    12. Marluxia52091
      i have a psp and a ds, and from experience i'd say that if they go to handheld, psp would be the best bet. ds just couldnt graphically pull it off. and cell phones? god why even consider it for cell phones? that would be a mistake.
    13. Mienai Kitsune
      Mienai Kitsune
      I'd really like to see this for DS, personally. I believe it could pull it off. Even if the system was similar to that of Final Fantasy XII Revenant Wings, it would still be better than turn-based (and card-based too, for that matter)
    14. Mirai
      In relation to the thread, I'd like it to be on DS. Mostly since I don't have a PSP. ばかなプレーステーションポーターブル!

      Um, DS games have voice-overs. Like Rockman ZX. But, Capcom was too stupid to at least keep the voices in the American version! ばかなカプコン!
    15. Roxas-
      I don't have either a psp or DS.
    16. bethloveskh

      Thanking yoouuu!!!:) I think he should make it as a film :) lol but if he doesnt he best put it on ps2! If not i'll have to buy a DS or PSP then!
    17. Bloodios
      If it's going to be such a long and time-consuming game then it would best to put it in PS3 (it's going to be expensive but it worth it, or so I hope). This could also be a bridge to actually put Kingdom Hearts to a new system, would be a nice preparation for the actual Kingdom Hearts III (if there's going to be one). Otherwise, it would be best to put it on PSP, considered how bad DS will do to the game after the amazing secret movie, and if it's on cellular phone then it will be a big failure.
    18. zexion101
      1st Xaldin Great work i dont know howd we would cope with-out you XD
      2nd It would cinda suck for turn based psp style but the Wii would Be So Awsome swinging your keyblade wit the Wii would be so fun
      3rd it wouldbe cool to see the world of darkness with miky but i gess/hope it wonte Just be all black like in kh2..[X