It looks so cool and when I mean MGS i mean MGS4, forgot to put the 4.
With each new trailer comes more weird stuff and more questions >_< Other than that can't wait for it.
Loved the trailer, espeicailly loved the new ninja unit though. Raiden and Snake meeting Eva was badass. And now I wonder why they were in a church. Metal Gear Ray made my mouth drop (especially when it went against Rex 0.o)
i thot the trailer was pretty boring. it made the game look lame even tho i know it probably won't be.
Looks like Kojima's throwing all kinds of curveballs in this one. Looks like Raiden also bites the dust. T-T
Dude, that was in the trailers ages ago. >.> Then again, I suppose not every gamer would be catching up with what is going on with TGS and stuff so you're off the hook. People, can we also put trailers in the Video Warehouse from now on? It just makes things a bit easier around here.
ok, SORRY for now knowing, lol. this happened to be the first trailer i've seen for this game. also, if anyone cares, there is an English dubbed trailer of this one on youtube