No Thanks New Members/Rules

Discussion in 'Feedback & Assistance' started by Laurence_Fox, Nov 4, 2007.

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  1. Xendran Banned

    May 30, 2007
    You really think that they would READ it? i didn't read the rules till about 7 months after i joined.
  2. Sexy Sheva Banned

    Jul 22, 2007
    don't turn around
    In my opinion, they shouldn't be allowed to post until they have checked a sort of box that they have read the rules... And if they don't, they shouldn't be let off the hook cause of being a noob... It would've been their responsibility to read the rules...
  3. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    XD Ok, I would have checked that long before I read the rules...

    Doesn't really change anything...
  4. Mielé Banned

    Oct 27, 2007
    dude, i still haven't read the rules i just got told what to do and stuck by that >___>

    and to answer to Pika_power, if there's one thing on this planet i hate, it's n00bs that join, stay on for what, 3 days then get owned by a member who's been on the site for more then a year and they never return again so i say, DESTROY THEM ALL
  5. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Perhaps, perhaps not. If it were simple language, and able to be followed easily, then they might.

    I still feel it should be there, for those who do wish to learn the ways of the internet. I had to learn what to do and what not to do over time, with experience. Why not attempt to lay it out in a simple format? It could be PMed to newbs on the slippery slope. It might get read then. They would realize that it could be their salvation.

    Corny, I know. I would just feel so much better about seeing the newbs get banned if I knew the option for enlightenment was there.

    Konoha! You have hit it. That is what happens. If those newbs instead got a regulation to follow, a procedure to use, they may not get owned!

    The rules, let's face it, are not what I want. They are not good. They stink. Newbs get given the rules and told to read them. That is it. The rules do not tell you how to be respected. I am hoping the guide would.
  6. Sabby Sleepy Panda Assassin

    Oct 16, 2006
    in your hearts
    It's the way of the forum... It's what the newbies do. And we tell it to them straight. It's like teaching a child to walk. Baby steps ^^
  7. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    I suggested something like this a few months ago. I suggested that new members would be auto PM'd a copy of the rules the day they joined. Nothing happened. I don't think a consensus was even reached before the thread was locked.

    Simple answer is, it's not realistic. But I agree flaming them isn't the answer. If they advertise etc. then the answer would be to educate them on what they are doing wrong. Repeat offenders should be reported to staff who would decide best what to do with them.

    I realize it is annoying when people respond: 'lol I didn't know.' Particularly when the rules are one of the first threads on the front page. That's just ignorance on their part for not seeing a section called 'The Rules' and then blatantly ignoring it.

    Educating them before flaming is what I'm saying. Let them better themselves as members of a forum to get past the newbie stage before they devolve into noobs.
  8. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    The thing is, we give the baby a rug to learn to walk on, (the rules) then leave it alone. When the baby eventually strays off the rug, we pick it up and hurl it against the wall until it stops breathing, or bounces onto the rug again. Usually it stops breathing first.

    I want to give those babies a rail around that rug, something for them to hold onto while trying to walk, and something to help keep them on the rug.

    Laurence, I understand what you mean. But the thing is, usually the flamers get there first. I have tried to defend a newb-n00b from a flamethrower. The thing is, the flamethrower burnt them, then a mod came and banned them before I could teach them. I want to teach them before they break the rules.
  9. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Well, maybe people should just stop replying to their 'Newbishness' in a mean way...Like if they advertise, or write illiterately, we should PM a reply in a NICE way (meaning not: "OH MY GOD YOU STUPID NOOB GO AWAY!!! YOU CANT SPELL, LEARN HOW TO READ! YOU'RE MAKING MY EYES BLEED.)
    That way they'll read it and they wont hate it. I think there should be a warning system too, so then if they continue to do it, eventually it will be fair to ban them...
  10. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Or we could have a short and sweet guide to forum life to link to. What person is going to spend time typing out a reply like that? (Fine, a few will, but many won't) People jump on a bandwagon and burn the witch.

    We need to teach them before they make a mistake. I know thinking every single one will read it is unrealistic, but if it saves even one newbie, I think we should try it. We can link to it if there is a newbie misbehaving. It could save them from falling further down a slippery slope.
  11. Hubba-Bubba-Bubbles Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 18, 2007
    In a chair in front of my computer...
    i think this is a really good idea even though i'm probobly one of these people that don't use comas and periods i still think it's a good i dea
  12. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    At first I thought you were hinting at some sort of genocide and i was going to leave the thread fast, but I agree it's a problem, but I doubt even if there was a guidelines to post for new members that it would be enough. I'm not saying lets ban the new kids, but it's something that we are going to have to just buck up and deal with.
  13. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    No, it would not be enough. Nothing will ever be enough.

    But it will almost certainly help somebody. Quite often, a newbie's excuse is ignorance. I try to help, but by then, they are being flamed to hell and back.

    I just want the opportunity for noobs to better themselves.

    It can help normal members too. A year old member can still be a complete... ahem.

    Anyway, why not? Is there a downside? I am sure I could find people to help, so it would be next to no effort for the Admins.

    Even if it only helps one in ten newbies, that is ten percent less who cause spam, and ten percent more who do good posts.

    Contrary to popular opinion, there are newbies who want to learn to become good members. That is how I am here, and how everyone else is. I only wish to make the jump from newbie to respected member easier.
  14. Jiηx You're such a loser.

    Sep 27, 2006
    Twisting like a flame in a slow dance, baby.
    The thing is, people wont care, it wont be a case of "Oh look, a walkthrough to being smart on the internet," it'll be "hey we think you might be a horrible speller and break rules and stuff, read this or be banned", which personally it would piss me off if i was sent a guidebook as soon as I joined a forum where I'm meant to enjoy my self.

    People are bad spellers, this much is a certain, not everyone can word letters together to preform coherant chains of words without there being severe errors in the process, it's a fact of internet life.

    People SHOULD NOT advertise, it's in the rules, if they fail to read them this is there problem, we don't just slap on bans to people as soon as they do it, they are warned and hopefully they will stop, if not it's their own fault.

    People Like smilies, we wouldn't put them on the site if they weren't intended to be used, and there's no limit to how many you can use in a post or a day, people put as many as they like, sure it seems a little childish when someone puts 20 of the same one at the end a post, but who are we to judge them? If they enjoy it go for it, it's not breaking a rule and it's not making people mad, if it is then those people have severely short fuses when it comes to annoyment.

    People are people, people are unique, people will be annoyed but other people won't mind.

    It's just a way of life, and you'll have to deal with it.

    Beat out.
  15. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    The thing is, it would be a guide to tidying up your posts. It need not be mandatory, but I would like somewhere where newbs could progress.

    It is only a "Read this or be banned" thing if that is how it is advertised. If it were a suggestion to have a look at it, then it may work.

    The smilies are able to be abused, yes. People are allowed to do it too. The reason you put them on is so you can have a ;) every once and a while. Not to have a line of :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D The guide would recommend against it, if you wish your posts to be tidy.

    I suck at spelling. I know this. I have an in-built spellchecker for my browser. In the guide, people could be directed towards one of these.

    By no means is it meant to be a second rules. No one reads the rules. It would be a helpful suggestion.

    Even without the PM, I still think as a sticky in the introduce yourself area it could do good.
  16. Jiηx You're such a loser.

    Sep 27, 2006
    Twisting like a flame in a slow dance, baby.
    Again, most people would not even bother to read the sticky, because, well who gives a rats ass? And telling people to go get a spell checker would just be another scenario for this "Hey...You suck at spelling, use this for the love of greyskull" again something easy to be pissed at if said to.

    People can make their posts as tidy as THEY want, some can look over before hitting send to fix the small "I"'s and put the "ei" the other way around for all the care, or some can just close their eyes, pray they hit the right keys and smash send not giving two flying pidgeot's, it's again down to basic human variation in the way we go about doing things.
  17. Fallout Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 17, 2008
    Seriously, this has been discussed on various Forums for a long time.

    'Newbs' can learn without a silly guide.

    Like posted above..who in their right mind would read the guide? xD
  18. Explode Who?!

    May 20, 2007
    New York
    We should totally make new members take an oath. Have an image of what they have to type so they can't just copy and paste it....Yes, I am joking, that would be really boring and drastic for just a forum, but I do think it would help at least a little.
  19. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    But some people honestly do not know the smilie abuse is frowned upon. Some people do not know that making an apology thread is stupid. Some people do not know that making your first post in the spamzone is usually a bad idea.

    Just a few examples. People may not know that txt tlk is disliked.

    The guide would help. And even if only one person reads it, then the guide has served its purpose.

    One last thing, do you really think that the way things are now is good? Give some ideas to change it, 'cause it sure as hell won't fix itself on its own.
  20. Fallout Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 17, 2008

    This is one of the best and most popular Forums on the internet. (For KH anyway) Things are great here.

    Like Beat said, the 'newbs' won't care. They want to start posting. Even if we PM them constantly with advice. They have to learn on their own time. And, if not, they are banned. That is all that can be done.
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