New Interview Knight names confirmed!

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, May 9, 2007.

  1. Xaldin ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hey guys thanks to TheWertle, we got a confirmation of the knights names!

    The knights names have been officially confirmed by Nomura himself! He has stated in the Interview that the female Knight's name is indeed "Aqua" and the Knight that looks like Roxas is named "Ven", and also states that their names are also references to Water, Wind, and Earth. Hopefully this information will clear up alot of things. It should also be noted that Sora, Riku, and Kairi also share similar elements.


    Sora = Sky as Ven = Wind
    Kairi has a similar kanji to Umi which = Sea as Water = Aqua
    Riku = Land as Earth = ???

    Also Nomura has hinted that there may be some relation between Ven and Roxas, and if they were, then that would have to bring Sora into this as well!

    Don't worry the interview will be translated soon

    Side News

    Moving to slightly non KH-related news, for those interested in the new S.E announced games including the FFIV Remake and FFDISSIDIA click Here

    Roxas Edit: In even more unrelated news, the Story of the Week entries end tonight. If you haven't entered your story yet, and want to, register for the forum and post your story on the forum for judging.
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, May 9, 2007.

    1. kitty_mckechnie
      Thanks you guys, that should clear a few things up. But creates many new questions.
    2. Darkcloud
      Man, I'm on pins and needles now!!! If you look at the knights hair, it kind of suits them to have those elements (Aqua's blue hair=water, etc.). Keep up the good work TheWertle, Xaldin, and all those working!

      KH3 (or whatever title they're gonna use), here we come!!
    3. Desmonic
      Your right. Some questions got answered, but I'm sure that there will be alot of new questions about this, like what role does riku play here? Or what relation do Roxas and Ven have?
      Anyway, thank you Xaldin for posting it, and thank you TheWertle for translating it, and thank you for all of those working on this!!
    4. Sanda
      Wooo! This is amazing :D Thanks for the info TheWertle and the update Xaldin
    5. rikusgirl
      The enigmatic soldier's name

      Hey this is great news!!! Thanks Xaldin and TheWertle for posting this up!!

      I was just wondering that if we know their names and that the enigmatic soldier's name means earth in Japanese, then what is that exactly?? I researched it and asked on google what 'earth' meant in Japanese, and it came up with Chikyuu, but I'm not sure if this is correct-can someone good at Japanese clear this up for me??? 'Cos I'm sure they'll be more than just me who wants to know!! :D :D

      Thanks xx
    6. Nanaki
      Sweet!!! I've been curious about their names ever since I saw that video. Thanks Xaldin!!!
    7. TheWertle
      His name will most likely be some form of latin like the other two are. Probably something like Terra or Terran
    8. Mirai
      Chikyuu means the PLANET Earth. Earth, as in, rock, is tsuchi. Also, the names aren't in Japanese. They're either in Latin or some other Romance language (Like French, Italian, Spanish, etc.).

      I think I can guess the name of the ES: either Tellus or Terra (both mean "earth/land/ground").
    9. Yozora
      Wow the look-alike-Roxas's name is ven?! Ven looks a lot like Roxas! Oh well thanks...
    10. qwdc
      I can't believe all those people who made those dumb theories about the names of the knights were actually right. Ugh.
    11. Chad Thundercucc
      Chad Thundercucc
      So very interesting. Now I can go tell all my friends and they'd be all "How do you know this?!??!?!" and I'd be all "I've got my sources...". Thanks again for the info Xaldin. ^o^
    12. kitty_mckechnie
      they weren't theories, they were mentioned in an interview.
    13. Rouge Angel92
      Rouge Angel92
      So they did give Sora, Kairi, and Riku their names for a reason! I was partly right for once!! :D
    14. XIIIHearts
      I've seen so many theories about the names of the knights in the secret ending and now I guess some of them have been proven right.
    15. [Total.Chaos]
      Ha! I knew that those knights had interesting names! Ven, Aqua, and the other guide. Those knight characters are interesting.
    16. venster
      yes! This is so awesome! =D I like the names
    17. xoxoroxasxoxo
      good to know that well be seeing more of roxas :)
    18. rikusgirl

      Oh i see thanks for clearing that up for me!! :D :D Both and you and The Wertle say his name'll most likely be something like Terra, so that's Terra, Aqua and Ven.

      Cool names!!!! Thanks once again xx
    19. Dawn
      Different languages is possible for ES. I played another game from Nomura and some of you may recognize this:
      Weiss=White (German)
      Nero=Black (Italian)
      Azul=Blue (Spanish)
      Rosso=Red (Russian)
      Shelke=Orange (Urdu)