No Thanks New 'Elite' Usergroup

Discussion in 'Feedback & Assistance' started by Trigger, Jul 31, 2012.


Are you in favor of the new usergroup?

  1. Yes

  2. No

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  1. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    True, he could just read the thread himself...I'm just not all for saying "This dude thinks he's all important by having someone else tell him what's going on, what an ass!" If that makes sense at all?

    I dunno, just seemed like something that didn't need to be brought up.
  2. C This silence is mine

    Sep 30, 2006
    That's not really it. It's just that it seems like an odd thing to do talking personally to the staff, when we've got the thread right here. Of course it started out talking to the staff, a lot of the good ideas do, but it's a bit pointless with this thread.

    Besides, I didn't really have a big enough issue with it to point it out initially, I just didn't like it being called "nitpicking". Anywho, carry on with the discussion.
  3. phoenixkh93 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Sep 13, 2011
    For colour, I think having it a similar shade to a staff one is just confusing and unnessesary. I personally like the goldenrod or rainbow suggestions, completely unique and absolutely cannot be confused with other groups. I also love dark green.
    I also think the being a member for at least two thing is a good suggestion as well. Not only would it probably take at least that long to meet the requirements, but I think dedicated members should be rewarded, and it would give people an incentive to stick with the forum, instead of getting people who rise to prem or noble super fast and then never come back.

    Now as for Rep and post count, I'm not too bothered and I think it would be best left up to judgement of more experienced members, but I'd like to make the point that what may seem easy for one may seem impossible for others, and I doubt any decision would be met with all around approval. However I really think it shouldn't be too easy, those who reach that kind of prem status will already be pretty seasoned posters who are dedicated, so that will be the type who stand a chance of getting elite. And if that's the case the target can't be too easy for them.

    Page views shouldn't count in my opinion. I don't ever visit the pages of even the most interesting members.

    EDIT: I actually love the look of the Teal. Is Noble definitely the name now? Cos I would have preferred something a little more Kingdom Hearts-esque. I like 'Keyblade masters' for both male and female members.
  4. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island

    What you consider nitpicking is sometimes things which you all overlook due to your stances. And that's fine because we all have views. But you can't paint opposing views on a suggestion as bad simply because they disagree with you. If anything, this sometimes helps pull the suggestion up and makes it better (as you can see from everyone here presenting pros and contras and building up the idea)

    And the second point, if that had any semblance of truth, we'd still be in funky 2.0, We wouldn't have pins, nor a podcast and the list goes on. So please, kindly stop trying to paint staff as an entity that refuses to change because that is not a truth at its entirety at all.

    At the end of the day, they're just opinions they feel they can post in a suggestions thread. If you see a staff member post another point of view, don't immediately assume the idea will be turned down. A person posting a counter-argument doesn't necessarily mean they don't like the idea or that they don't care for it.

    /2 cents

    Also here, this could help for reference if anything. I'm still reading over the thread overall. Somethings I really like. Others I don't exactly agree with.

    Hoping to post more later :3
  5. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    I actually really like this idea and it's most likely going to get me back into replying into threads.

    However, I honestly think that the title of the name should not be something so...I think ******-y is the only word coming to mind. I guess in some way it sounds egotistical. The idea of it is wonderful, but I feel that either the name should be changed to something less egotistical or it should just be like a random perk once a member reaches 3,000 or whatever post count you're going to try setting it on. Once a person reaches whatever post count you guys will set it on, they can get a pin, bigger avatar sizes, more sig space and I guess that can be pretty much it. I just feel like eventually, people are going to complain about how some members that might be "Nobles" are total jerks, and then it just leads to meaningless tension and whatnot.

    I already know people are going to come in and be all, "We want the usergroupppp." Then just change the name because the name is going to end up bugging a lot of members, myself included. It's already bugging me. Noble is nice, but it still sounds egotistical to me. I like "Veteran"(saw libregkd post it in that Elite awareness thread and I liked it.)
  6. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    The name's still being discussed I believe, and Noble is a lot better than Elite...Veteran doesn't sound bad.

    May I suggest we use bueno's idea inspired by RAT and myself? (obvious joke is obvious)
  7. Yozora Archer

    Feb 14, 2007
    female king arthur
    with taiga, eating rice and ****

    The name Veteran. Don't we already got a pin to prove that? Also, Elite. I don't like it. I mean, if we get made Elite, then what does that make the staff? I don't want them to be better/cooler than us am I rite? They're already at the top of the food chain.

    Im sticking with my name suggestion cause it's better AKA Super Saiyan 3 aka Im just joking I mean "Apprentice".

    As for perks, I like the idea of seeing invisible members. But that's just me. Also, having the power to lock our threads. Oh man that would be interesting to see how it would turn out lol.
  8. muff monkey Twilight Town Denizen

    Sep 25, 2010
  9. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    ...I feel like an idiot because I thought you were him...this is awkward....sorry Rat >.>
  10. C This silence is mine

    Sep 30, 2006
    It's a bit silly, when you think about it. Kinda reminds me of P's discussion group idea, which never got off the ground for it leading to pretty forced posting.
  11. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    Keyblade Master sounds tacky and like it was made by a thirteen year old, though. Given that most of the people who get to this level will be old enough to find it cheesy by the time they do, sticking with something simple and clean is the better way to go.

    To disclaim for Chev, I do not use the nitpicking in an entirely negative way, I just know that you will do it as staff.

    See my disclaimer. Please do not assume that I was trying to paint you. I can predict you (to some margin for error), but that does not mean that everything you do is without reason.

    You may not turn it down, but I expect that a change like this will be debated among the staff so heavily that it will take a long time to decide each perk. The staff discuss things entirely aside from the users for major changes, and while you are discussing the things suggested in this thread, I expect the result the staff comes up with to be a creation of theirs and in the end it will bear only a spiritual resemblance to the original suggestion. It is one thing to add something. It is another entirely to add exactly what members ask for from the start.

    That is what I meant by nitpicking.
  12. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    Just to provide some information, because I know not everyone may be clear on this:
    Premium Benefits
    • Pink username
    • Private message inbox gets a +100 increase, bringing it to 350
    • Can send private messages out to 15 people at one time, as opposed to the Normal Members, who can only send to 10
    • Custom user title
    • Profile picture maximum dimensions are 250px by 300px, as opposed to Normal Members, who have 200px by 200px
    • Avatars are upgraded from 100px by 100px maximum to 150px by 150px maximum
    • Avatar storage size is upgraded from 150KB to 235KB
    • Maximum characters within signature (including BBCode) is upgraded from 750 to 50000
    • Maximum characters within signature (excluding BBCode) is upgraded from 500 to 25000
    • Maximum lines in signature is upgraded from 7 to 11
    • Allowed two images in their signature (Normal Members allowed one)
    • Username changes every two weeks
    Then of course there is the section and the pins that come along with it. Premium membership requires 1000 posts, 60 days of membership (that's more of a precautionary measure than anything, we've never had someone break 1000 posts in under 60 days), and 100 reputation points.

    Staff Benefits (these upgrade based upon your position, but these are the absolute lowest. Does not factor in moderation privileges etc)
    • Colored username (varies)
    • Can store up to 500 private messages
    • Maximum of 20 private message recipients
    • Custom user title
    • Profile picture maximum dimensions are 300px by 450px
    • Maximum avatar dimensions are 200px by 200px
    • Maximum lines in signature is 13

    Moving on, though, I like the idea of an incentive to post through user "upgrades," of sorts. While I do agree with what muff monkey said--if you wish to see the forums more active--you could just post without requiring any kind of reward or trophy. But people tend to like incentives, so.

    I will say that I am not fond of the idea of a new usergroup color--we do already have a lot and they can cause some confusion among newer members, even with our usergroup color bar and numerous help threads on the subject. However, I do know there is a large push for it, so I would be more comfortable with it if it was the absolute highest benefit (which, based on the current first post, it is). The bold I would like to reserve for Administrators because it was placed with the intention of the names "standing out" more to new members.

    I am late to the thread so bear with me while I address all the points I can remember reading, I don't know if any of them have been removed from the table yet.

    Locking/deleting own threads (or any moderation-esque power)
    I have to say I'm not fond of this, as Ashwin said moderators are given this power because we are confident they will use it responsibly. With a what, 20 piece staff team? It can't be very difficult to get your thread taken care of.

    Fine with, that kind of comes with the territory, hah.

    Invisible Member stuff
    Do not like, privacy should be controllable to an extent by the member. The reason staff members can view it is in case there is a problem or we need to get into contact with the member.

    Beta Testing
    I have been interested in pursuing this for a little while, particularly with skins (those who took the Style Survey I'm sure know that), and would definitely favor it for some things. Others, like Castle Oblivion and Wonderland, I'd prefer to keep more secretive, if only for the surprise of it when it is debuted. But for things like skin/design and others, I would fully support this. Getting others thoughts on that sort of thing is really invaluable. I know it was brought up with this "ah man really? Another dead section?", to which I propose doing it as I've done the User Awards section--it only appears on the forum index when it is being used. Staff members could bring a project in there, gather user feedback etc., and when the project is finished, the section disappears until needed again. Alternatively, we could always simply add it as a subsection to Feedback & Assistance (I was going to say to the Premium Section but that would conflict with my next suggestion on it).

    Now, I do want to say that beta testing shouldn't be confined merely to the older/more seasoned members. They should play a crucial part in it, no doubt, but it's also good to get the equally valuable thoughts of some lesser known members too. That's why I would propose that the beta section be visible to all of these "Elite members" (don't think a name has been settled upon yet and I don't like elite, hence the quotes), but with regular or Premium members allowed to participate via application on a project-by-project basis.

    HTML Allowed in Usertitles
    Frankly I'm not really sure why it's allowed in Premium signature spaces, it's been abused before and I'm not really comfortable putting it in user titles.

    I know the current plan is to do things in tiers, which I do like the idea of, but I'm not sure of the practicality. Each tier would have to have its own usergroup. Not to throw a wrench in the works here, but having just one requirement would be the more practical option. That does kind of destroy the idea of staggered incentives, though.

    Minor perks I am fine with:
    • More avatar space
    • More signature space
    • More private message inbox space

    ... I probably have missed some stuff with this but yeah. Will post again if/when I think of more.
  13. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    I see what you did there


    (but yeah Keyblade Master is a bit of cheesy overload)
  14. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    If we need perks then what about profile customization?
    I'm not entirely sure why it was removed. Eith due to that i forgot or never knew in the first place. If its impossible then my apologies. Just a thought
  15. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
    UPDATE: Major Overhaul to the OP
  16. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    It was removed because it was ridiculously buggy, didn't play well with some of our styles, etc.
  17. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    The new suggestion in the OP is much more reasonable.

    I think a nice round number like 3,000 for a post requirement is better than something like 3,500, but that's just me.

    EDIT: I take it back, 3,500 sounds fine.
  18. Trigger hewwo uwu

    Oct 6, 2006
    Corridors of Time
    Poll added to the OP.
  19. phoenixkh93 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Sep 13, 2011
    That's the whole point of Kingdom Hearts. This is a Kingdom Hearts website. It's the whole reason most of us are here. The cheese is what I love about it :( Shotdownlikeagammypigeon.

    In that case, I would prefer something that doesn't sound so...snobby. I don't know how many Brits there are on this thread but the whole concept of Nobility to me conjures up images of pompous, spoiled brats with ponies who think they are better than the commoners. I quite like Veteran. Not only does it describe the position well, it gives the impression that the title has been earned through hard work much more than 'noble' does.
    I like the idea of the rewards tiers, especially about username colour being the last to be awarded, however I can see the difficulties this would pose, if it was too much hassle then I would be fine with just a 'lump sum' reward. To clear up for me though, why is HTML code a problem in usernames?
  20. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    Question, is the name of the group going to stay as Noble or is it still being discussed?
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