New EGM KH scans (BBS+358/2 Days)

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Inasuma, Sep 5, 2008.

  1. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Heyo, guys. In EGM's most recent issue, they included a couple area's talking about the new KH titles on the PSP and DS. I uploaded them for you all to see in HQ.


    They talk about other various S-E games in here as well, including Dissida and other S-E projects.

    And sorry I'm not being too detailed on this, I'm in a slight hurry. lol
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Inasuma, Sep 5, 2008.

    1. DarkRyan75
      I knew it was Ventus from day one. Nomura said that Ven was a nickname, and the fact that Terra means Earth, Aqua means Water, and Ventus means Wind...

      Anyway, 358/2 Days is still going to be good in my book. Didn't expect it to be better than BbS, since that seems like a full game, while 358/2 Days is a gaidenish game.

      As for Dissidia... it will be grand. Kefka is definately the Japanese joker, seeing him in 3-D and with a voice.
    2. KeybladeSpirit
      I just hope that the multiplayer will let you connect with people worldwide. Cuz it seems like no one knows about KH where I live.
    3. Marker123
      Devrived from Com system a good thing?

      I hated that battle system!
    4. Shift
      Ditto,people were i live don't even have a DS.
      But i wonder,if there was,shouldn't they advert it already?
    5. -axel
      Thanks for the scans.:D
    6. KeybladeSpirit
      Yup. But there is one upside to Days. The codes man! Think of the codes! Even if we never get use multiplayer, we can still probably access the playable Org members! Yes. I must ponder this. *Begins pondering*
    7. Shift
      We play as the other org members out of Multiplayer,like the Hologram missions and other things.
    8. Ultima Wepon
      Ultima Wepon

      Never mind I got that issue today.
    9. KeybladeSpirit
      *Stops pondering*
      Oh. But the hologram mode might be easy.What exactly is the hologram mode? Do you think it has anything to do with the Garden of Assemblage?