I now know where I can get the scanner from but who knows when my aunt is home. Drew this a few days ago. I drew this while wearing gloves. XD I now know I should start drawing with gloves. XD My wrist was kind of hurting due to all of the shading. And her eyes were like that. Straight out of the Bleach manga. http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r77/vma_92/HPIM1098.jpg CnC, please.
Thats really good, just like Momo should look. I do think I can see a few tiny rubber marks on the sides of her hair in places.
I had a little trouble shading. But it came out the I wanted it to look. o.o Thank you for the comment.<3
Heh, thank you.<3 I wanted to shade the eyes in but then I decided not to because it would then look weird. XD
it is a nice drawing but the thing that is troubling me is that, it looks a bit wobbly. and the scratch lines near her nose shouldn't have been smudged either because it doesnt look as good.
Hmmm..... well this is absolutely amazing. I can see a few flaws... like how her nose, as Bareri did mention, look a bit funny. though that's it :3 I'm not so familiar with Bleach... so yeah =P Still a very good drawing :]
The lines by her nose were smudged or shaded a little. I was thinking if I should have left it alone or smudged. When I shaded them, it looked a little weird so I kind of erased some of the pencil marks. So I don't know. XDD Either way, thank you for comments. 8DD
This is really good. I like the eyes .__. I think the shading was done perfectly. I really dun see any flaws...@-@ Good job.