Wait...what? An FFXI character in the game? I suppose that leaves open my Vaan vs. Vayne dreams if they're doing more then just I-X.
If they can do that maybe they can throw Genesis in there somewhere 8D Or maybe give us a preview of XIII characters by adding them in 8D
asking for a bit much there Ghetto, but im glad this might mean Vayne gets in, would like to beat him up with Tidus.
I thought they where either gonna go past X or have unlockable characters that are other characters from I-X, this just proves it the first one. Thanks for posting this.
Yay for more characters~ And Shantotto looks cute. XD I wonder how he'll play... he might be an NPC according to the original FFXI but who knows. Oh yeah, and there's also an update to the game, featuring "Commad Battle." It sort of looks like a retro-style mode to it but not exactly sure. Credit to FF7AC Reunion for the pics. http://imepita.jp/20081122/613920 It also vaguely reminds me of Kingdom Hearts but meh.
Shantotto's a girl. XD But at least this means there are now two female characters on the Heroes side, matching the Villain's number with Cloud of Darkness and Ultimecia.
Hey guys, I'm gonna post this here since it's just a small update. The game case for Dissidia in Japan. From what I can tell, it's practically everything we've seen but maybe the Limited Edition cover will have some cooler designs. http://tifa.jp/cgi-bin/src/ff7ac1406.jpg (seems like they are really showcasing Cloud in some of the screenshots, eh?)
Looks like Firion's Ex-Mode hasn't really changed other than the color scheme. But Emperor's seems pretty nice. Hoping for a translation soon. Oh and here's Shantotto's confirmation in the same(?) magazine. http://tifa.jp/cgi-bin/src/ff7ac1408.jpg Looks like her Ex-Mode is "Magic Vast"? Correct me if I'm wrong..