But I miss Flyn Pnut and Rhopperguard. Well, I miss giving them sh*t and calling them alternate accounts. Okay, I'm already hijacking this in a constructive way. ITT: NOOBS YOU MISS MAKING FUN OF Lol, is this against the rules or something?
I remember the only thing I had against Ginta was that she had more posts in Cookie Castle 2 than I did.
I wasn't here for Gintas. I heard about them tho Flyn Pnut/Rhoppergaurd are still my faves I remember their incest thread...haaa and their good grammar threads...despiste their bad grammar .... brb, I need a drink
I like how we complain when they're around and act like total ******s to them, but we have this strange affection for them when they're gone. I feel a void in my heart that needs to be filled.
I think Kairi Namine was my favorite. She had a certain style that could easily be copied and made fun of. I only talked to Swordser once, and CFF was before my time.