Never Stop . . .

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Technic☆Kitty, Jan 2, 2011.

  1. Technic☆Kitty Hmm

    Apr 2, 2010
    Indiana, USA
    If you're reading this, run. Don't stop, just keep running. If you think you're safe, you're wrong. If you think you can stop it . . . Just run, for your life. I am running as this is being written. Funny, if you could see through time, to this exact book, you could see my face and see exactly how scared you should be. Time is irrelevent though, it wouldn't stop it from coming. Don't worry about that now just keep running . . . and if you decided not to run then I am sorry, you only have till the end of this sentence. How many people will have died for not believing me . . . If you have decided to trust me and you are still running then there may just be a chance for you yet. I will give you your first destination in a coded message, it wouldn't understand. Here it is, Cappa 173 Omega 173 Red 173 Electric 173. Sorry but I cannot risk telling you how to solve this riddle but, all will be revealed in the BEGINNING.

    Hopefully you have understood and are on your way now. This is a guide to help you survive, but it is not a survival guide. To understand this you must understand how it works, it will search out to destroy all who threaten it. It cannot help itself it is in its nature. So this is not a guide to survival, but a guide to destruction. Now I can begin.

    Chapter 1: Things To Look Out For

    Okay you should always be on the look out for the shadows. Do not fear the darkness though just fear what lies within. Also be on the look out for followers, they accept it and do its bidding. They will try there best to turn you from your path but do not stray, for I cannot help outside the parameters of this book. Finally, never walk with another. You would only end up putting them in danger. A sub-catagory on this matter would be, never walk with a stranger. They could easily be a follower or perhaps something more dangerous . . . Never mind what I am talking about just listen. There will be times throughout your journey where it may come to pass that the guide will faulter and you may very well end up having to break a few rules of the book. If a time like this ever comes into play just remember, every step is a danger and every breath is a gift. You may find that most of my chapters are short, but there are many. I keep things short because of time, an asset of which you have very little.

    Chapter 2: Things To Forget

    Well here it is . . . Forget your family, friends, and anything that is important to you. Forget everything except for your instincts. Normally I would hate to revert someone to such a state but the future, or is it the past . . . Never mind just forget.

    Chapter 3: Meal Plan

    By now I am sure you are hungry, and if it comes down to it, you will have to buy food. Be careful, and be aware of your surroundings. If you thing something is wrong it is and you should run. I am sorry but there are times where you will need to go without eating, but I won't let you die. Trust me . . . I am a man in a book.

    Chapter 4: Transportation

    You will have to walk on foot. Being stuck in a tight space surrounded by strangers is not a good idea. You will also put a lot of people in danger. Forget your friends and . . . wait no I already said that.

    Chapter 5: Interference

    As of now consider yourself a ghost, not able to interfere with anything. Do not get involved in anything major, trust me that will come soon enough. Publicity is not a good idea. Why didn't I name the chapter Publicity . . . because publicity is when it actually gets through to the public.

    Chapter 6: Phone Calls

    Don't make any.

    Chapter 7: Arms

    Guns will not help you in this quest, because if one gets shot down two more will rise. Bullets won't kill it either so don't even try.

    By now I am sure you have reached your destination, and it is also your last destination. Sorry . . .

    Chapter 8: Lies

    . . . I have told you many lies and now it is time I told you the truth . . . replace every it in this book with the word me . . . So I would guess you are just standing there in awe. You don't however understand the situation. Yes I am it . . . but I am not and not will save many lives. You are going to have to give yours up, if this is somthing you cannot do then memorize everything in this book . . . you will need it. Now whenever you reach another town, drop this book on the nearest corner and run. If you have decided you will stay and give your life then go to the central building. When you arrive go in the front door, make your way to the basement level. You will only be able to use the stairwell to get there and trust me, it will be guarded. If you are still alive and in the basement take three lefts and a right. You won't see anything except a dead end, but you have to see past that. There will be a box lyeing on the floor, lift the top of it. Now, enter the code . . . what is the code you ask? You have known it since you picked the book up. It is a word I Never like to hear. After that a door will open, go through it and you will see the truth. You will find me there, not the me you should be afraid of however. Release me from my chains. After you do that I there will be ten seconds before the gaurds appear, and in that ten second reprieve I will apologize to you and detonate the core of the infrastructure. Everything in the vicinity will be obliterated completely, but everyone will be saved.

    Okay so the message at the beggining, if deciphered correctly reads, Core 173 which in this realm is a major city.

    Please refrain from reading this next spoiler because this is a big one and I would hate to ruin it for you but
    Okay Core173 is a major city, full of crime and evil. The central building is where all of the bad stuff that fills the city is made. It used to pump out all good things, back when the author of the guide was in charge. But of course he decided to create a clone since all of the good is pumped from within him. The clone had a flaw however, his emotions were not permanent so when the good was sucked out, you guessed it, the only thing left was the bad. The bad clone locked the original up (but he had to track him down as the original ran giving him enough time to finish the guide) in the basement sector to keep the machine working since it required a sample every so often. He then (posing as the head of the company) found the most despicable people he could and hooked them up to the machine. the people of the city, without even realizing, had went to sleep good one day and woken up bad the next.

    There is more to come even though you think it improbable (yes improbable because it is a fictional story it cannot be impossible). I know many things are not explained in this first part but I needed you to read what my main character will read. It might take a while to right the next part but it will come, or it may take a day who knows. Hope you enjoyed the guide to destruction and yes there were parts where I made the author seem crazy . . . thats because he is.
  2. TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees Professional Crazy

    Aug 5, 2008
    The other side of the monitor
    This would be amazing if it didn't feel so rushed. You instantly make the assumption that the emotion you want to evoke will be the emotion that the reader feels, and you don't really work towards it or build suspense in any way. Overall, I think that this is a great concept that could have done really well had you put more time into it and made it a bit longer. Two sentences does not a chapter make; and on that same note fitting a successful feeling of suspense in the space you tried to put it in is REALLY difficult.

    tl;dr Too short; I feel like you could have done a lot better

    And please understand that I don't mean to be mean at all; I'd rather you know what I actually think of this and get better from it than lie and have you think that this is fine where it is.
  3. Technic☆Kitty Hmm

    Apr 2, 2010
    Indiana, USA
    I don't mind, I like constructive criticism. You can't be better if you never know that you made a mistake. Also I did rush this a bit but it is only the beginning of the story, I needed the reader to see what my main character is reading. I didn't put that much thought into it since it is a less vital part of the story. The chapters were supposed to be short because really the whole thing is one part of the story, so its like a story inside a story. Plus the author didn't have much time to write it.

    Main characters name will be Yami (translates to darkness) and I plan on making this story as long as I can make it ^_^
  4. TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees Professional Crazy

    Aug 5, 2008
    The other side of the monitor
    Alright, well, keep in mind that a piece can be 100 pages long and still have horrible content. Make sure that you put thought and emotion into what you're writing; I'm also in the middle of a psychological horror story so I can tell you to remember that you need to put work into making the reader feel what you want them too. Other than that, there aren't really very many shortcomings of this so far.