Okay, so I'm taking summer classes because I decided to change my major. One of the classes is College Algebra. My teacher for that class...I can't even properly call him a teacher. He just takes stuff from the book, copies it for us on the book, and gives us minimal explanation. He skips steps, which is annoying to me because I want to take detailed notes for my own notes. Anyway, we have an exam tomorrow, and he gave us an exam review to do over the weekend. We went over it today so we can clear up some things. At one point though, when we were getting ready to do number 15 that was on the exam review he e-mailed to us, it turns out that the one he has on the answer sheet is a completely different question entirely. Turns out that half of the questions he didn't have answers for at all! He didn't apologize for it, and he said that he would attempt to send us the right answers (he did, but he said it like we shouldn't expect it). Thankfully, summer courses are quick...
Well that sounds like basically the worst. Reminds me of a friend of mine who basically got knocked out f his chance to pursue history, which was his passion, because the history teacher literally lost so much of his homework and tests that he got less than 40% when he should have gotten over 90. Really is a shame how teachers can be such a big case of luck of the draw
I'm not sure, my college math teacher was pretty cool. Then again, I took Math for Liberal Arts, since it was a math class and the kind you take just to get the credit done.
And maybe you guys just have bad schools. I've gotten quite a few good teachers. That's not to say I've gotten any A's in my college classes yet, but at least I've only gotten 2 C's too. In fact, the only time I've gotten those C's were in classes where either the teacher kind of became boring after a while or the teacher just talked about stuff and went over my head (I don't do well sitting and listening about government. Not a surprise I got a C in that class) I will admit that when I took chemistry the teacher was pretty bad that she wouldn't stop talking at all, or explain any of the math formulas much, so I had trouble keeping up with it, but I withdrew from that class for other reasons altogether. And she wasn't a bad person at all, she could have just learned to actually slow her talking and explain instead of going like "here's a problem. Learn it on your own. Next problem".
math summer courses are the worst i'm actually taking another right now so i can expedite my transfer process for the second half of my senior year of uni this coming fall. mine is online so i feel you on the little to no explanations part. math is a pain in the ass, i feel u. all my math teachers in my experience have been sticks in the mud. EDIT: (also pls let's not diss other peoples experiences here, it's a pain when teachers don't do anything other than the bare minimum i think we all can attest to that.)