Hey guys I'm not a big hardcore gamer so I haven't play my different types of games so I need help deciding on what games I should get that are pretty good and are fun, especially those that have Multiplayer in them and are I guess Party Games I should say they don't HAVE to have it but just something I do with my community members. (Also speaking of is there like a group I can create on this site by any chance? I want to get my community members to come on this site!) P.S. I already purchased Far Cry 3, soon I will get Tomb Raider (Never played the series), and DmC Devil May Cry (Again never played the series)!
I have both a 360 and PS3 but do most of my multiplayer gaming on 360, PS3 just got a little boring for me since didn't know what kind of games to get.
I am pretty sure Dragon's Dogma has some multiplayer in one form or another, I have never actually played it, but I think so.
Will say that the online community of Assassin's Creed Brotherhood is pretty dead at this point, finding a game is nearly impossible and if you do, a lot of people generally leave. Think the same could be said of it's sequel, but not entirely. However I can safely say the multiplayer for AC 3 is going to be very popular till the end of this year, so get that if you want.
I love the Assassin's Creed series so I have them lol Halo 4 yes I do have it, Borderlands I thought about playing the game I could give it a shot. As for PS3 I thought about trying God of War and that PlayStation All Stars game. Both looked interesting to me.
Not a party game but I was very pleasantly surprised with Sleeping Dogs. I bought it early last fall and still pick it up pretty regularly. Again, no multiplayer, but if you're feeling like mixing it up a bit, it was definitely worth my 60 bucks.
Just a few for now. I might add more. PS3 & 360: -The original Devil May Cry games (3 and 4's combat mostly) far exceed the remake, in gameplay and (in my opinion) plot and character design. There's and HD Collection of 1,2 & 3 Just don't play 2...and 4 retreads itself a bit. DmC is just not funny at all :\ -Bioshock series (1 and Infinite above all). Though the shooting mechanics aren't exactly the most amazing, the setting, narrative, and music are all excellent. 2 is good, and even has multiplayer, but I honestly don't find it as good as the other two games. -Bayonetta, honestly the best hack-and-slash game I've played since DMC3 (more than 5 years ago.) A good length, with charming characters, lovely combat, and an actual sense of humor. Just don't expect a competent story. -Batman Arkham Aslyum & Arkham City. Amazingly deep gameplay with great storylines, some of the best atmosphere I've experienced in recent gaming,and tons of stuff to do. Plus, they've both got Mark Hamill.
+1 to the Bioshock and Batman series. Infinite and Arkham City have amazing stories and both create immersive worlds that are just astounding. Infinite is hands down the greatest game I have played that I can recall in recent memory