I would like to have a cool Roxas signature for me, just make it look really awesome! I copy/pasted from a Post I misposted in the wrong forum, soory about that.
sorry about the line going over his face that was an accident but i hope you like it http://img66.imageshack.us/img66/6966/roxascr4.png[/img*] to put in your sig put that in and take out the *
Works for me! What I had mind was an Image of him holding the Oblivion and Oathkeeper an standing in front of him is a bunch of NeoShadows, and the scene is Rikus' NeoShadows versus Roxas' Samurai Nobodies in front of the Tower of Memories and Riku up next to it in the backround, but I will not argue with hard working people! Man I need photoshop!