I remember I actually liked that show a lot. >.> It was amusing. And also, I learned a tip from it that I'll never forget. xD The two digit locker thingy where after you close you locker, do the first two digits of the combination and then when you come back to it, all you have to do is one digit. o: Really useful if you're in a rush.
Wow thank you for reminding me of that one, I'm going to try it when school starts up again. :3 My little sister and brother just watched it yesterday and I was surprised because I didn't think they would show it on t.v. anymore. I suppose it's a lot better than some of the other shows on Nick right now like Back at the Barnyard and The Mighty B.
That is useful! X) But I don't lock my locker back...I just leave it closed and no one messes with it.
I've seen a few episodes here and there, it was... Interesting, to say the least. Didn't know it was still on TV.