Nature's Sorrow

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Dexnail, Sep 6, 2009.

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  1. AmericanSephiroth Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 1, 2009
    Loveless Ave. missing the point of it all
    "hello,fox how are you today? also would you mind getting off me?"
  2. guardian_of_ light Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 14, 2007
    Waiting for the new Zelda game O.O....
    OOC: uumm recap?
  3. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    my char Luxy got done running away from an scientist and a girl. My other char Sesi is just walking around near the food stands. Cstar's wolf is walking around trying to keep out of trouble and Road's char is trying to find an animal cause he heard one earlier. While Maxix char is walking around and that pretty much sums it up

    Luxy walked on the roof of the abandoned house the wind felt nice on his fur. Jumping onto building to building the fox price was excitted. "im hungry" Luxy said to himself as his nose could smell some bbq ribs.
  4. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    ooc: I just noticed my part of the recap is always 'Trying to stay out of trouble.'
  5. guardian_of_ light Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 14, 2007
    Waiting for the new Zelda game O.O....
    OOC: thanks ^^ lol

    BIC: Xathabat gave up as she leaned against the ally way wall near the food stands as she smelt the freash food and her stomic growled. She sighed and held her stomic hopeing it will make it quieter.

    Xaid watched her and looked around and saw a rib stand and snuck next to it waiting for the owner to look away.
  6. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Luxy saw the stand his mouth watered an foxy smile on his smile. Jumping down landing on an few crates silently then closed his eyes casting the illusion. To all of the normal humens the fox prince simply looked like an red headed college student. Luxy looked at the rib stand while his illusion was up. Looking around Luxy noticed an girl she was pretty but there seemed to be something about her that made her more interesting then an normal humen.
  7. guardian_of_ light Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 14, 2007
    Waiting for the new Zelda game O.O....
    Xaid stole a rib once the man looked away and ran back on the roof above Xathabat and droped it down on her lap hideing so she wont see him.

    Xathabat looked up."where did that come from?" she smiled." thank you lord for being to merciful, i promise to keep trying to help both wolves and foxes." she said and nimbled on the rib.
  8. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Luxy blinked a couple of times when he saw an wolf's tail then simply shook it off. Taking an sniff he looked towards the direction Xaid was. His gold eyes looking at the man soon the illusion fadded the fox could see the wolfs true form. After his eyes looked at Xathabat she was an true humen. Sneakly taking the rib as the man conversed with another. Taking happy prances down the market street the fox had an jucy rib in his mouth savoring the bbq souce.
  9. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    Phenox growled and smelled his target. he blinked as he stopped growling. he stepped off of Blood. "sorry... thought you were a hunter..." Phenox turned around and smelled the air.
  10. guardian_of_ light Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 14, 2007
    Waiting for the new Zelda game O.O....
    OOC: Xaid is in his wolf form...thats how he hid next to the cart and on the roof.

    BIC: Xathabat looked up quickly as she felt like she was beiong watched she saw a man but something was odd about him she quickly followed him trying her best to be quiet.

    Xaid followed on the roof seeing she was following a fox, he sighed.'great trouble...' he thought.
  11. Smackdoodle McGiggles Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 4, 2009
    OOC: i guess whoever i was talking to forgot about me ._.

    BIC: Brad was disappointed at no kills today, he walked towards the local rib stand and he saw a man, he had a strange look to him, his eyes flashed purple revealing the foxes true identity, he drew his gun and shot at the fox, he aimed for the legs to cripple it "gotcha" he said as the gun fired
  12. AmericanSephiroth Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 1, 2009
    Loveless Ave. missing the point of it all
    "easy mistake i am the last of my kind so my scent is relatively unknown to many" he dispeled the illusion and showed his wolf form he is a last dark wolf they are about 1.5-3x the size of a regular wolf and since their fur always glows even when they die it is a very precious fabric "see this is me. like i said im the last of my race and for that i will personally make sure any hunter i encounter will be eaten by me up to the last morsel as revenge."
  13. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    OOC: heya bud i did earlier sorry if it was not noticable

    Sessi watched the man walk towards him moving his foot slightly it bumbed into an food stand. Keeping his icy blue eyes starring at the man "hm i wonder" the arctic fox said to himself as he stayed his cool.

    Luxy was so glad about the food he stole today the bbq souce was his absolute favorite. Wagging his tail playfully then stoped his ears was up listening to the incoming foot steps. keeping his illusion up instead of the rib being in his mouth it simply portrayed him holding it in his hand. The illusionary red headed man turned around looking at the girl and waved at her "ello" the man said to her with an care free smile.
  14. Smackdoodle McGiggles Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 4, 2009
    OOC: i shot at someone... i cant remember which OC of yours it was, whoever was stealing food, i shot at them ._.
  15. guardian_of_ light Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 14, 2007
    Waiting for the new Zelda game O.O....
    Xathabat stared at him but smiled." hello.." she said and examied him, she could see the fox form and she squeled." i knew it." she said happly.

    Xaid sighed."great.." he mummbled.
  16. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    OOC: alright i thought you still wanted to talk to Sessi and Luxy was the one that you was shooting at

    All of Luxys happyness fadded when an bullet scratched against his leg. Scared the fox prince looked back automaticly seeing the hunter instently dropping the food the fox ran. Knowing the girl was still behind him Luxy kept his illusion up there was no since for 2 people to see him. Luxy sighed now his existence was known by two people now maybe he should of stayed in an trash can.

    Sesi heard the gun shot luckly he was on an roof above the man just sitting on the ledge. Shaking his head sadly it was such an pleasent moment to sleep but it wasnt now. The illusion scratched his head looking at the man "seriously its not nice shooting at people" the arctic fox said in an rymthematic tone.
  17. guardian_of_ light Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 14, 2007
    Waiting for the new Zelda game O.O....
    Xaid jumped up from laying down."xathabat." he whispered. he kept an eye on her following every step she took while he stayed on the roof.

    Xathabat frowned and ran after him."please i want to help." she cried out.

    OOC: brb
  18. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    Xemit made it back to his lab and began examining the pictures. He had some good shots of the scenery but his shot of the man had a lot of shadow from the dark room so it was hard to make out details, especially the face. Although he was certain of his observasion the photos also had no way of linking the animal clues to the person, there are after all people who can walk on pipes like that. At least for the time being it looked like he was alone with this. Sighing Xemit pulled up a web browser to do some research.
  19. Smackdoodle McGiggles Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 4, 2009
    "aha! i gotcha now!" he said as he chased the false human, following its trail of blood, he fired two more shots, trying to immobilize him, he stopped and aimed through the scope of his fourth shot, he fired, he smiled as the bullet whistled through the air
  20. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Username- Dexnail
    Name- Leon
    Status- scientist
    Personality- always sleepy, likes to take his time, brutally honest
    Bio- After graduating from one of the most promising academys for scientific research. Leon saw the two wolfs his dad was the one to discover the bodys. While he was at the scene he heard an noise and he saw Sesi bleeding letting the illusion fade. Ever since he been an believer but alway got ridiculed by respected scientist. Now recently got fired he searches for an job for his scientific knowledge.
    Preview post

    Leon was at his lab table flipping the pencil around with an yawn he looked up at the lights. "another day at work" the young scientist said boredly as he made the chair rock back and forth.

    Luxy heard even more shoots an frightend yelp escaped his throat jumping onto an create. Hearing an loud crashing noise the bullet made an giant hole in the creat the fox jumped on. Hearing the girlz voice Luxy could not stop if he did the hunter would kill him.
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