Current art project. Theme was a "science journal", done in a sketchy style. My theme was, as the title says, nature versus nurture, in the sense that should nature be left alone in its course (the dog would die) or should an outside force (science, humans; the dog would live) modify a being. Truth to be told I really just wanted to draw animal robots. xD Sketched in pencil, gone over with pen. Watercoloring will be put in this week. CnC?
I like this quite a bit, so there's little for me to CnC on. One small thing is the fur on the leg to the far left. You seem to pay very close attention to it on the ends as well as near the paw, but on the leg itself it's not as well defined. Same goes for that on the head, but it's nothing huge. Great job with this.
I'm just gunna go in order here. The paws are excellent. They just look really great. The skeleton of the leg looks a bit strange to me, but maybe that is just because I have never really seen a dog skeleton. The robotic leg looks great. The only issue I have is the knee joint. It just seems like it wouldn't actually work if the leg had been built like that. Makes it look unrealistic you know? The head is pretty awesome and well drawn. I really love the eye. The ears look a bit weird to me, but thats all.
Thanks. xD Yeah, that was mainly because I was going to put the watercolour in to give it more shape. Thank you. O: I noticed that too, but I had already inked it, and liked how it looked regardless. xD And the ears were kind of BS'd because I was tired. >> but uh. yeah. Fully coloured piece:
I love the drawing as you know cause of it's workable mechanics and the fact it's well drawn. The coloured version is awesome, the colours work as they should. Btw, how did you colour it?
Thanks, I figured you would. xD It's coloured in watercolour; we were only allowed to have the three primaries (red, yellow, blue), and then any other colour we had to mix by ourselves. Which was really fun for me, but everyone else hated it. >>
It looks really good, the colored version especially. Don't know why I'm only seeing this drawing now xD I like the color of the dog, I think it wouldn't work as well as any other color would've with the blue, and the blue works well with all the other colors (a darker shade of blue wouldn't have worked) so nice choices there c:
The theme and drawings are nice, it's just I don't really agree with your composition. The way everything is laid out it looks more like practice sketches than a serious piace. There really is no focal point. What I would do is separate it into two different pieces, one being Nature and other Nurture of course, then they would be in a set, giving each one it's own focal point. If you have it all together like that it's just a bit confusing.
Thank you. O: Yeah, it was an experiment with colour for me, and painting itself, I'm much more used to pencils. xD There wasn't supposed to be a clear focal point for this, and as I said it's supposed to be done as a sketchy kind of piece. Thanks though. :]