I bet they came here in that mysterious plume of smok*shot*
I'm pretty sure this was known a while ago. It seems more like NASA trying to get more funding by stirring up a fuss. Even so, it's interesting to note.
I heard about it earlier on the news. It's interesting, i mean a life form that uses a kind of poison to live it's unique but i don't know, i am somewhat hesitant towards this information. Can we actually believe them? It would be funny though if those bacteria are from some other planet and they suddenly start evolve to take over the entire planet XD
For me, it's nothing other than a bacteria that uses something else instead of carbon in its DNA structure. It ain't gonna make my life better, or anyone's for that matter, at least not in the near future.
Well technically Arsenic isn't poison. If there's a lifeform based off of it then something that would be "good" for us would be considered poison to that lifeform. I could probably say that there is no such thing as poison because with the right genetic build something could be immune to what's deadly to us and vice versa. >> This reminds me of a movie that mentioned essentially the same thing. I think that in the movie the lifeforms were based off of Sulfur instead...<< What I just said was applied in killing those aliens. XD I forgot what was poisonous to them. It was something pretty average around here(on Earth). Science isn't all about making life better. It's for the pursuit of knowledge. Sadly, few people understand that making life easier for everyone is merely a biproduct of science. Anyways...I wonder if NASA will try looking for life on planets they thought couldn't support life. << They probably will. Here's hoping that they get more funding. 8D
Proof of concept. If they can exist here on arsenic, that means that they can exist on Mars with arsenic. Places that were previously discounted due to missing chemicals suddenly become a viable place to search for extraterrestrial life. But ATM, it is just a new species on Earth.