I say Bleach is better, because it is. Seriously though, the story kept me much more interested than Naruto did. I have to say, I got kinda tired of Naruto after a few episodes. With Bleach I kept having to find more, I needed to know what happened next. I still need to know! DX *hates waiting for new episodes*
Bleach.... at least that got to adult swim ^^;; not like Naruto xD but i've seen them in jap. at least x3
DJSeph don't revive old threads like this. But Bleach is better than Naruto. I find the story more entertaining and grips me far better. Naruto is just dragged out and get boring after a while.
Bleach is better...I find Naruto annoying...*gets brick'd* I'm just stating my opinion! So again, Bleach is better...
Naruto I like Naruto, because I can just keep watching it. Whereas once I got to Bleach episodes 80+ I got bored. =O
I personally think Bleach is just a little better. I say that because bleach doesn't drag out the battles for a million episodes. Most of the big battles are 2 maybe 3 episodes at the most. Not to mention the fact that Naruto gets very repetative after awhile. I'm not saying Bleach doesn't at points but at least Bleach doesn't take 30-40 episodes to train for 10 days in the show. I'm not saying I don't like Naruto because I do. I love both the shows but I just happen to like Bleach more is all.
I think I like Bleach better. I'm not really sure why, but I prefer watching the newest episode of Bleach than the newest episode of Naruto.
Bleach in my to me is better than Naruto. Mainly because they seem to progress the story faster and plus Vizard Ichigo rocks.
Pssh. We might as well renew old threads rather than make more. =P Bleach is better, by far. For one, it is a more mature anime and the story is much deeper than in Naruto. The characters, for the most part, are much more interesting to me, plus the battles are at least 3x better than those in Naruto. Plus, the main character in Bleach is WAY less annoying than Naruto. I HATE Naruto as a character. xD
For my understanding Bleach is way better,Naruto had a lot of Fillers and was Extremly annoying even now Shippuden started i hope they dont do a lot of Fillers