Looks like CyberConnect2 is taking some inspiration from SEGA. [video=youtube;c2_etvlS3LU]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2_etvlS3LU[/video] (Similar trailer, but longer) [video=youtube;eK9CZelD72M]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eK9CZelD72M[/video] Quick Summary: Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations is the third in the "Storm" series of Ultimate Ninja games. In this iteration, Part 1 of the Naruto story and Part 2 collide, giving the entire Naruto and Naruto Shippuden story in one game. Plus, due to it's exclusion in Ultimate Ninja Storm, the never-before-seen Haku and Zabuza arc will be shown, adding even more to the story. Cutscenes will be a mixture of in-game graphics and brand-new Anime content. Some new characters to the series include: Young Kakashi, Obito Uchiha, The Five Kage, and many more.
I saw a glimpse of this before, but now I really want to get it. The Ultimate Ninja games have always been the best and accurate Naruto games. They stepped it up with the Storms, and having the third one with further Shippuden story, characters, and practically every Naruto character from before in it, this will certainly be a wild and intense game. Nice touch with exclusive anime episodes too.
Really interesting. Good think my brother bought a PS3 I will add this to my list. ::L: ...Once I buy PSP and DS XL, with the KH's of course. This seems to be really interesting. Over 70 playable characters and many jutsus and the new stories. No really I can't wait to have this either!
"Including Killer Bee's First Single!" LOL Well now I have to get this game because I wanna hear that ninja rap! But seriously it does look pretty awesome, I bought the other 2 and was never disappointed. However, Tales of Graces F also comes out the same day and I feel I have to support that game since the series is on the verge of becoming Japan only. Though if I find myself with some extra money I'll definitely get it. I am a bit concerned about the story though, is it an original story or is it sticking to the actual story? I mean I doubt CyberConnect2 will disappoint with the cutscenes and gameplay, but in my experience original stories of anime video games (especially Shonen Jump anime) are a bit disappointing.
I fan a big fan of the Storm games, and now with this third installment, I'm super excited in getting it. It seems whatever the prequel lacked, this one will provide. However, I do hope if they are making this one have online play, the server better be improved. I remember having issues with it in the second game.
I really can't wait till this game comes out it looks great, but I do know that it is just Storm 1 and Storm 2 combined, but it will be nice to use the Pre-Time Skip characters again and also try out the new mechanics with them. So far from what I know they added a KnJ Bar, Cancel out of combos, Chakra Air Dash, and an Online Tournament Mode. I'm still hoping for Jutsu Clashes and Training Mode.
i'm really looking forward to this game. i've read interviews about significant changes made to the gameplay. i also hope they can squash all the spammy gameplay though i'm sure someone will find some way to be spammy like in almost every fighting game.
They always will it's like it's a player's job to find something to exploit and then spread it all along the community, I can name other games that have that but I won't go off topic
I'm pretty sure they're following the actual story. From what I've seen, yes the cutscenes will be awesome, especially since they're in anime form (Don't get me wrong, in-game graphics cutscenes look delicious as well, I'm just sayin').
Agreed. This seems to go all the way up to where the manga is atm. And yes, the fact they are adding scenes from the anime in there is just truly awesome.
Hey guys not sure if you know but there's a demo for this game out on the Japan PSN Store, just played it. Gameplay-wise it's pretty much the same as Storm 2 though with some changes such as log substituting now has a bar different from the Chakra bar. You get 4 at the start of a match and it refills as time passes so you won't see as much spamming the block button. The way you execute one is also different in that the button doesn't have to be pressed the exact moment an attack hits you and is generally much easier to do, if you're getting hit simply tapping L2 once will execute one. (also the L2 button is a substitute/block button while the R2 button is strictly block). That's about the only obvious change in the gameplay aside from new combos that I see right now (I also can't read Japanese so there are probably others). And yes it does follow the manga story though it's a bit different from the way Storm 2 does it. It was pretty much just jumping from one scene to the next with a Narrator introducing the scene and some light voice acting by the characters, also the scenes were more of a slideshow of pictures. The scenes/gameplay scenerios include Naruto vs. Sasuke at Orochimaru's lair, Sage mode Naruto vs Pain at the obliterated Konoha, and Naruto vs. Tobi at the snowy place, sorry forgot what it was called the one where the Kages meet. So it looks like we'll get a retelling of some of the stories in Storm 2 along with some of the newer stuff.
I think Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner 2: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon still has it beat, but it's getting up there. Never been a huge fan of the series (the manga/anime or these particular games, I preferred GNT/Revolution) but the content looks impressive, if nothing else. Probably won't end up playing it personally, but it'll make for entertaining videos, I'm sure. Does anyone play this competitively? I wonder...
Yes me and my friend do, I had videos posted here but they are nowhere to be found so, guess I'll have to make new ones but yeah we have these clash of the titans battles but it just wasn't that good enough because of the time limit, here I hope there is no time limit for private matches so that the battles can last longer and we go all out or just warm up and then go all out.