I was thinking of changing my name to something shorter and easier to say...like Maggy, my nickname or the first part of my current username Fun Fact: Atiragram is my real name spelled backwards. "e" is for my middle name and "3" is for my birthday.
I want a short and sweet name...not some long thing that people can't pronounce in voice chat, hahaha Plus, most people call me Maggy already
I've never met anyone with that name, pretty. Of course now I've just got the shipping of you and Teddy stuck..I'm sorry. lol @Amaury You have to choose a name you want to change to start off with, unless you're mixt it's a right of passage.
I never changed my name. I don't really want to either. Go with Maggy.. Or Atira. Or Margarita. Then we will have TWO alcoholics on the forum!
LOL, Margarita is funny! Then Teddy wouldn't be the only drunk here. ;] NAME CHANGED! Let us wait more 692 posts. c:
I could probably pronounce Atiragrame... Then again, I'm from Florida and half Cuban, so my latina opinion doesn't matter.