No Thanks My Suggestions

Discussion in 'Feedback & Assistance' started by The Joker, Mar 10, 2009.

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  1. The Joker Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 17, 2008
    Mile high.
    I looked over the rejected suggestions, common suggestions, accepted rejections, etc.... well, here are some of mine. I might have forgotten one already suggested while I type this list, so if I do, please try to understand and I'll just edit this list.

    1: Not having to wait to 300 post to get a name change. I've seen some forums do this. You pay some money, you get a name change (I think it cost 5 dollars.) It allowed users to change caps in words, spaces in words, and random symbols like numbers and other things for free twice a year. I think it gave out free name changes in contest every so often also. Some members might not have thought really hard when they got a name and registerd so a name change might help them get more comfortanble here and get more active members.

    2: Customizable profiles? I've seen other sites with this, is it because this site does not have the right stuff?

    3: I've seen this system, and I believe it should be voulantary, but a place in the Roleplaying zone where people could get their RP evaluated and once it met certain standards as in good grammer, frequent members, etc, it would be moved to a seperate place that also passed the grading system and have a place where people were certain were filled with atleast evaluated by people like them and met certain standerds. The place could help them build a story structure, etc...

    4: Allowing videos from the User Portal here to be posted? I don't know if that's possible, though.

    5: Increase Avatar size limit to 125 or something else?

    6: Have a preset Avatar and/or signature preselected for users optional so Users without anywhere to find a Avatar/Signature, can't make one, and/or does not feel like making one, can have one. Then again, if they disagree with it, it is optional.

    7: Have a Arcade?

    8: Allow Guest to post, you know, give them a image screen verification so they're not just spam bots. Could give Guest a way to get a feel of the Forums without registering so they could get to know people here and get to see how friendly this site is and be sure they want to register.
  2. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    1: I don't like the sound of that and I don't think its worth it to be honest.

    2: Aren't our profiles slightly customisable already?

    3: It's up to the owner of the RP to keep a decent standard and I don't think many people want to have something they do for fun evalutated.

    4: I think they used to do this for the top 5, can't remember.

    5: The avatar size limit gets bigger when you reach prem so theres no need.

    6: er... this is a maybe in my opinion.

    7: Got one.

    8: What would be the point in registering then?

    my opinions and thoughts those be.
  3. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    oo1: A majority of our users here are still in their young teens, as Kingdom Heart's target age group is the nine to fourteen-year-old crowd. None of them have credit cards, and a lot of parents wouldn't like the idea. Anything money related wouldn't really work, honestly.

    oo2: Eh. I've never really liked the feature on other sites, but if other support the idea I don't see why not.

    oo3: I've never really been into roleplaying so I can't really speak about this suggestion, although there's nothing stopping you from creating a thread in which people's roleplaying could be critiqued.

    oo4: I believe you can post videos from the User Portal here, and if you can't I don't see why not.

    oo5: I believe the avatar size limit increases once you hit premium.

    oo6: Eh. I've never been a fan of that either. If they don't have a signature, they don't have a signature. if they don't have an avatar, they don't have an avatar.

    oo7: We had an arcade for a little while, but we had problems with it. I think we just scrapped it. It's not really needed, honestly.

    oo8: If guests could post that would discourage registering. Registering only takes a few minutes, and if the member doesn't like the forum they can just leave.
  4. Toshi Banned

    Apr 27, 2007
    Don't be so negative people. I say yes to all.
  5. Cody Chaser

    Nov 9, 2006
    XBL: Chug That Estus
    This section is about what is best for the site, Toshi.
    It's not about making people feel all warm and fuzzy because you agree wit them.
  6. Darkandroid Gets it Together

    Sep 30, 2006
    1. If you want to play $5 for a name change, go ahead, I can do with the money. See kids Bribery is good.

    2. Before Deathspank left he vaguely mentioned a customizable profile idea, but we can't get it running. This sort of thing is something I would like to see. (even if it would make us more like mybook for facespace)

    3. The idea of an RP is to have fun, making it so regulated would ruin that.

    4. There is a way, I do it with the Top 5, not sure if it works in other sections, but the code to embed is [top5number1] [*/top5number1] (take out the *)

    5. Premiums have an increase to 150x150, gives people an incentive to post huh.

    6. I remember we were going to do a preset of avatars, not sure what happened to the idea, I'll look into it

    7. Ah yes, the Arcade, Me CtR or RvR have the access to fix the problem, it's something we want to get fixed.

    8. Nope, no way. Ok image verfication would avoid bots, but not trolls, it would make trolling us way to easy.
  7. Toshi Banned

    Apr 27, 2007
    Then I say no to all.
  8. Daydreamer

    Jan 29, 2007
    Los Angeles
    Yeah, I made quite a few avatars just for that purpose and uploaded it. If we okay this suggestion, I'll gladly recreate them.
  9. Crumpet In your shadow, I can shine!

    Jun 28, 2007
    1. $5 for a name change? no offence but that's more of a rip off than habbo hotel *snap*. It's easy to get to 1000 posts, and all their asking is 300.

    2. They're pretty much customizable as it is.. I'm happy the way they are.

    3. I have no clue what you meant

    4. Why do we have to do that? It will make the site more confusing.

    5. More pixels = less space = more site lags... i stand for 99% of the site who do NOT want them again

    6. That would make the users less unique doncha think? besides i think everyone here as an avi.. just go to photobucket.

    7. Man I'm disagreeing with everything here... no - one will go in the arcade really, unless their REALLY bored

    8. Damn if that goes through, that means we members are out of a job... there wouldn't be a point for new members and members are what keeps this site going. Besides there would be more NOOBS
  10. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    1. I have one thing to say: It will not kill you to do 300 posts.
    2. They're already customizable enough. Nothing wrong with how they are.
    3. The owners of the rp threads lately have been making people who want to join that rp make a preview post. Also there is an rp Workshop in the RP section if I recall.
    4. I think that's already possible. I dunno.
    5. the sizes are good as they are. I know some other forums are a little loose with their maximum avatar sizes but thats because they don't have that many members.
    6. i'm neutral on this one. but think about it, it can only take like 2 minutes to find an avatar on photobucket.
    7. O_o?
    8. It wouldn't exactly be a forum without members would it? And I also second what Darkandroid said, it would make trolling A LOT easier.
  11. Sanya Orussia’s 586th Fighter Regiment

    Oct 13, 2006

    1. This is a non-profit fansite. (At least for now)
    2. Not sure how we can make it anymore customizable other that we don't allow background images.
    3. Threads can be rated... but the typical rpg audience will remain the same.
    4. Already possible.
    5. Become a premium member.
    6. We were working on something like that... but haven't gotten back to it.

    It's not on the navigation pane since the scores don't work and we need to expand it still. For now you can play the games that are there.
    8. The point of a forum is to get member to join and become part of the community, not post anonymously and leave.
  12. roxasrikusora King's Apprentice

    Dec 24, 2008
    Realm of darkness or Anti-Forms orb dont know
    1 300 Post wont kill you and why would I pay 5$ for a name change

    2 I like them like they are

    3 no removes action like at Keyblade war that RP rocks

    4 they can

    5 One word PRIMIUM

    6 Photo bucket

    7 already have one

    8 na i makes people not be members and whats the point to log on when your a guest that can post NO
  13. ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠ Chaser

    Jan 13, 2009

    yes that sums up what i was gonna say
  14. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    We do allow changes like capitalising letters or correcting typos before the 300 posts because that isn't a name change as such, it is a name correction. However as RvR said, we wont be charging people for their name changes, for one thing, who has the money to throw around on name changes at a forum? 300 posts is pretty easy in all honesty, some places don't let you have even one name change until you get a 1000.

    This isn't MySpace or Facebook >>

    That sounds hugely complicated and a major mess around o_O There is nothing wrong with how it is now, members do have the option of the Extended RP section, which is a much stricter place of RP, but it is rarely used, I don't think this system would be used either.

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