I'll just make this thread to post some of my drawings or w/e I've made. I don't freaking know anything about anatomy. **** Pieta Jesus face. http://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm307/Rataz0rd/253818a0.jpg Some woman Im having fun drawing atm. No perv. Well, yes perv, but not while making this. http://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm307/Rataz0rd/7868df00.jpg Vient http://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm307/Rataz0rd/vin.png Joker http://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm307/Rataz0rd/Thejoker.jpg
Ooh, la la, I like the shapely-ness of the girl. It seems to be proportioned right and her position is good. I'd like to see a finished version of that.
Interesting work, sir! Excellent proportioning! Do you have any other threads featuring more of your drawings? I'm also somewhat obsessed with drawing females myself atm. xD
I'll finish it. Depends when though lol. I completely agree. A nice somewhat thin body is nice to draw. Thanks I'll edit my first post with some of my other stuff. POST YOUR **** MAN. And wow. No one's ever called me "sir" before. Feels good.
I rather enjoyed that woman sketch. It seemed more...natural. She was slightly plump, not a twig that's basically the most idolized woman people look for. Yuu approves! [:
The proportions are insanely great, especially evident on the woman figure. The anatomy in your pieces are great so no need to worry there. I'm a sucker for the knees right now, they look really legit. Also the head shape, it's really nice. I like looking at it actually. Sorry if this sounds weird lol, it's just really beautiful. The woman and the joker paintings(?) are really cool and fun. You've done Joker very well, the eyes - though simple - are really just staring at you and giving this kind of depth. Ugh, amazing like skjasfuhjha <3
Vientiesis update Spoiler Man holy ****. Looking back at the old piece, I can't figure out how I screwed up her face. W00t, good thing I have some days to work on her some more. Any ideas on how to make her seem more....girly-ish? You girls know this stuff, help me out. Im a guy, I don't know what Im doing.
More girly as in more female looking, or girly as in younger? For making her look more female I'd probably try to make the breasts more evident. Her chest does atm look a bit flat, not that a woman can't have small boobs, but right now it looks a bit like she doesn't have boobs at all. Also, it might be worth trying to thicken the eyebrows a bit. Very thin eyebrows quickly make women seem older, especially since you've chosen such a dark eyeshadow. If you want to make her look younger, I'd try to maybe make her cheecks a bit more rosey, or make the shadows beneath her eyes just a tad lighter. Also, adding more tones to her hair will make it seem less dense, especially in the front, which will brighten up the picture and character. However, that might be counter productive as the feeling of the picture right now is rather dark I guess? That aside I absolutely adore your lines in the pencil sketches, bravo. I like your style.
I want her to look female-ish. Like, have a girl look at it and go "Yeah, that looks right". http://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm307/Rataz0rd/vent.png That's how she's supposed to be posing. Do her boobies look alright now with that image? You know, I'll keep her eyebrows like that. I don't want the picture to be one of those pretty girl ones. I'll keep her face the same. As for her hair, I'll try the tone thing. I've tried to replicate some hair effects other dudes have done for the front part, but....yeah. As for the image of the picture, I'll keep it dark for now. (Cause I tried changing this ***** and failed) Thanks Peyta.
that vient piece is shaping up to look very well done. i wish i had the ounce of talent! <3 =^) your sense of anatomy is strong. that is something i need to practice. keep up the GREAT work! @-,--
Just gonna post some 1 month old stuff. Spoiler Free-style sketch. I spent about 20 minutes on getting it to look how I like it. Not baaaaaad. http://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm307/Rataz0rd/006.jpg Some drawing that I gave up on. http://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm307/Rataz0rd/8bd0a0ca.jpg One day I became inspired to draw some MGS. http://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm307/Rataz0rd/56c202a8.jpg Random sketches http://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm307/Rataz0rd/28e40c20.jpg I like her face.
bamp Just something Im putting my time into. I like how it's turning out so Im gonna post this. (It's Xion btw)