Every time I get angry it seems that my emotions get the better of me as I go into an insane berserk rage... I need help to calm myself down. Any Ideas?
Get a stress ball or a large teddy bear, then whenever you get angry, you can either squeeze the stress ball (they're designed not to break) or take your anger out of the bear. But if you play a lot of fighting/war games, that might be what is making you violant and anger easily, so I suggest you play them less.
This person apparently has similar issues. You could read her thread and maybe some of the advice given there may inspire you.
you should see a counselor. You may have some sort of issue. Typically, in this case I would say that you could be bipolar, but that's just because I'm bipolar, Though I take meds for it. Do you sometimes randomly feel depressed, and other times randomly feel extremely happy?
This. You could seriously have some problems, man. I'd see an expert about it, this is coming from someone who's been here or somewhere very similar before.
I had the same problem, and over the years, I've toned it down so much that now I'm learning how to control it much better. If it's really bad, it will take you a long time, but as lomng as you don't stop trying hard you can eventually stop it. First, you need to find your triggers, what sets you off. Take a while to spot them. Then, you need to come up with ideas on how to calm down. Try different things, like music, laughter, drawing, just find anything that you can use to cool down. When you become able to calm down without fail, it will be time to find ways to prevent your anger. Being happy with your life is a major step, if your not happy, try finding what makes you happy in life, and expanding those happinesses. When you have a lighter look on life, you can drain your anger out faster. To prevent your rage berserks, find cures to whatever triggers your anger. That is something you will have to figure out through observations. I must say, deep breathing and therapy are extrodinarily helpful. Deep breathing can help you clear your mind, and I notice it calms you down a bit. It's hard to get into deep breathing all the time, but when you do it enough, you find yourself doing it all the time. As for therapy, having a good therapist allows you to talk to someone about your problems, and they can really give you good ideas and solutions on your problems too. Trust me, it's really helpful to do both. Just make sure you get a good therapist, which means you may want to check a few places, talk to a few people, but you can find good ones out there. There are also other methods that can calm you down, like yoga and sleep can also help you, too. But yeah, this isn't going to work overnight; you need to put a lot of time and effort into it if you wish to break out of it. Trust me, it's well worth it. I'm a LOT happier now.
LOL This made me laugh, which it shouldn't. Anyway, you need to watch yourself. Your anger seems random and controllable. Watch yourself. When you start to get crazy, just tell yourself it's another phase and back off a little.