My paranormal experience

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by rikusorakairiown, Aug 1, 2010.

  1. rikusorakairiown Contributor

    Jul 24, 2009
    Ok so I always ahd problems with paranoia, and I tend to have a lot of trouble sleeping because of it. But now I think I know why it was such a problem. About a week ago my friend came over to stay for the night. We did..Gaming stuff, (I am a no lifer after all.)

    Anywho, at around 11pmish, she decided she had to go to the toilet, so I waited in my room, watching the Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm character select screen. The mind numbing boredom made it seem like an eternity as my paranoia started to sink in, heavier than I ever remember it being. A few seconds later I heard a scream from the bathroom.Without thinking I rush to the door, just stopping myself before entering, realising what I was doing. I stood outside of the door cursing myself, what do I do? I can't just barge in on her, but there has to be a reason for her screaming. After another few minutes panic took over and I barged in to see her stood pointing at a spider.

    I was enraged! Without thinking I shouted at her, I can't even remember what it was I said, but it msut've upset her because she hit me, I got in one little fight and my mum got scared she said you're moving with your auntie and uncle in Bel Air, I begged and pleaded with day after day but she packed my suitcase and and sent my on my way. She gave me a kiss and then she gave me my ticket and put my walkman on and said "might as well kick it" first class hey this is rad, drinking orange juice out of a champagne glass, is this what the people of Bel Air are living like? Hmmm... This might be alright! But wait I hear persy boy lyin, is this the type of place they should send this cool cat i don't think so we'll see when i get there i hope they're prepared for the prince of bel air well ah when the plain landed and i came out there was a dude that looked like a cop standin there with my name out i aint tryin to get arrested yet i just got here i sprang with the quickness of lightning and dissapeared I whistled for a cab and when it came near the license plate said fresh and it had dice in the mirror if anything i can say this cab is rare but I thought naw forget it yo homes to Bel Air! I pulled up to the house about seven or eight and I yelled to the cabbie yo home! smell ya later! I looked at my kingdom I was finally there to sit on my throne as the prince of Bel Air.
  2. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
  3. C This silence is mine

    Sep 30, 2006
    Well played sir, well played indeed.