but i can't set it up till tonight when my dad gets back! It's just sitting there, calling to me. And the chunky tv in my room mocks me cause it's too heavy for one person to lift. Damn you fat tv. >|
I live out in the backroom/shed/whatever, so it's too small for my room... I could fit three 42 inch tv's across the short side of my room...
When people talk about their PS3's and their HDTV's, I look over at my fat old TV with my original Xbox hooked up to it and feel poor. :c
I don't even have an original XBox... Still got a slim ps2... Waiting for a chance to get a 250gig ps3 slim...
Hey hey hey. I've got a dinky little 20-dollar TV I got from Goodwill. This thing doesn't even have stereo. And y'know what? I'm happy to have it. 'Cause it plays games. And when I get my VCR from home over the break, it'll record games too. So it's good enough. Y'ought to be thankful if you have a TV screen at all. I know at least one guy who has to play his games on a projector. (Granted, it's totally awesome, but it's also irritating and hard to set up.)
Hey, I have a crappy fat old TV with a fat PS2 and video player hooked up to it. I feel even more poor then you. Mind, I do have a XBOX 360, Wii, DS, PSP and a iPOD nano (latest)....
I played Assassins Creed through a projector once. It was one of the most amazing gameplay experiences of life. .-. I might count what I have, now that you have me curious.. Xbox360, PS1, PS2, PS2 slimline, iPod nano, MP3, DS, Gameboy advance, Gameboy Colour, and a PSP. Heck, I don't use any of them.
Fat old tvs are quite good for gaming (don't suffer any lag like some lcd tv's do) but i had the cash and thought a change would be nice.
Fortunately, my parents never bought me squat growing up. I've bought everything myself. They often give a loan but i always pay it back. Also, set up the TV. The image is insane! Love it!
That, and big T.V.s screw me up. Something about them just doesn't feel right. Like the controls are different or something. More noticeable in first-person games, where they actually are different.