first draft: second(not as good as the first >.>) :
um okay i wont say its terrible cause is was at one point that bad but it gets a 3/10 from me you need to not make it as sharp and angled
its honestly a great start but you need to work on proportions, like the arms and it seems his head need to be an teensy bit bigger and when you start a drawing make a little stick skeleton because it seems your right arm is a little crooked anyways you are great at coloring
Well re/maleficent pretty much said what was on my mind too - minor propotion issues to the body, but not all too bad. It just takes some practice to get the shapes right, tho you're on a good path right now. What I'd suggest for this is to add a harder shade of shadow to help show the shape of the body, perhaps it'll improve the drawing? :> The jeans kinda gave this metal shine look imo, I'm not sure if you intended that or not - if you did then that's a nice idea.