I had to use the restroom, so I left my room to see her doing this. All of the lights were off, and so I assumed my little sister had gone to bed. I take note that the bathroom light is on, and so I ask my mom who's in there, and she's still looking at the computer like a mindless zombie (much as how I am when I'm using my laptop lolol). Anyway, I find that my parents' bedroom door is open and my dad's asleep as normal, and think that my little sister just left the door open by mistake. I'm about to turn on the other light to the bathroom when the other one turns off and I catch a glimpse of a small figure with their hair in their face like the little girl from The Ring, and I'm thinking 'Holy mother cracker jacks my house is haunted oh lord please bless this house call the exorcist' I have my hand on the lightswitch and a smaller hand touches it and turns it on, and my little sister is right in my face. Yes, I screamed. It's dark in my house. I don't like leaving my room after everyone's gone to sleep. At least my sister got a good giggle out of it, the little devil.
Younger sisters are the primary source of ghost stories this side of the Atlantic. ... And other kinds of stories.