My little pony: Fim : My little pony: Rp

Discussion in 'Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)' started by shidonic, Dec 19, 2011.

  1. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    Fire Dash: "Well, I gotta go. Later!" *Flies out of hospital*
  2. shidonic Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 30, 2010
    Shidonic - *Walking out of the hospital with Rainbow Dash, Apple Jack, and Rarity* Would you like to come up to the castle to see what they did or what they're going to do?

    Rarity - I will go along to the castle, i have to make sure Sweetie Belle doesn't do something to dramatic, im sure Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash will come along for the same reason!

    Rainbow Dash - Yeah, i guess i can, beside's, when Scootaloo can finally fly, i can let her have the guest bedroom in my cloud house, Since Fire Dash already has his own room, it would be nice to just...technically adopt!

    Apple Jack - I know i have to, i don't want the young filly to do anything that will scar her for life!

    Shidonic - Ok then, i guess we could just walk there but i will teleport us and i guess i could just lay on my bed and wait *I teleport everyone up to the castle and open my room door* Looks like they're not here ye-*I get yanked me in and thrown me on the bed* Hey...what the hell, how did you get her so fast!?

    Sweetie Belle - Princess Celestia gave us a ride on her back!

    Apple Bloom - *Flipping Shidonic on his stomach* There, now are you ready?

    Shidonic - I am afraid to ask but what are-

    Scootaloo - Just be quiet and sit still...

    Shidonic - *Trying to move but cant being pinned down by Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle* W-What are you doing!?

    Sweetie Belle - If you dont relax and calm down, we can't massage your back!

    Shidonic - that all...ok? *I begin to relax as they massage my back* I thought it was going to be something far more...worse, but...*Closing my eyes* Jeez, where did you learn to massage!?

    Twilight Sparkle - Shidonic...what is going on!? *She said walking into the room*

    Sweetie Belle - We were in the hospital because one of our legs were broken, then Shidonic healed us, look, you can even still see a scar! *Showing Twilight the scar* We are paying Shidonic back, even though he said we didn't have to!

    Shidonic - Ok, what about my...question...How did you...learn to massage like this!?

    Scootaloo - We all learned when we had summer jobs at the pony spa!

    Apple Bloom - Yeah, we even learned how to do...other things!

    Shidonic - *Blushing* I can just do that with Twilight!
  3. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    Baelzadeus: *looking at a crystal ball with an image of Fire Dash* "Most impressive. You really are a remarkable creature Fire Dash. I can see why Discord chose you. I look forward to meeting you again some day."
  4. shidonic Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 30, 2010
    Shidonic - *After everyone leaves i just lay in bed tired* Jeez, i didn't think it was this late already, but i will try to stay up longer, atleast to enjoy Luna's moon for a good two hours or so! *I get out of the bed and make some coffee*

    Twilight Sparkle - Good idea Shidonic, I can stay up with you to! *She said while smiling*

    *We look over to see Luna walking in with bed hair, i then began making her coffee*

    Shidonic - How did you sleep? *I say as i pour coffee into her cup* two or three sugar cubes?
  5. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    *Fire Dash is having the same exact nightmare while sleeping, which then wakes him up. Tank wakes up to see what's going on*

    Fire Dash: "It's that stupid nightmare again Tank. If only I could hear Fluttershy's voice again, then I can sleep well. Wait! I've got an idea. But it will have to wait till tomorrow."
  6. Cloudrunner62 Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2011
    I live in Austin, TX
    Luna: *Startled, she shakes her mane, her horn flashing subtly, and her mane becomes its normal flowing self.* Oh! Hello good Shidonic. I actually wasn't asleep, just lying down.

    CR: *Walks in behind Luna, not seeing Shidonic and Twilight* Are you coming back to bed Lun-*Cloud sees them ad his face immediately reddens.* OH SHI-Shidonic! Twilight! I forgot you were staying in the castle...When are you guys moving back to the Library?
  7. shidonic Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 30, 2010
    Shidonic - I can start moving my things in the morning, now then, how many sugar lumps Cloud Runner and Luna? *I say as i put two in my coffee and three in Twilight's*

    Twilight Sparkle - *Sipping the coffee* Shidonic, you always make me a perfect cup! *She said smiling*

    Shidonic - Well, i know how you like it Twilight! *I said smiling*
  8. Cloudrunner62 Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2011
    I live in Austin, TX
    CR: Um, uh. *His blush disappearing* No coffee for me. Didn't have the stuff 1000 years ago, don't need it now.

    Luna: None for myself either. But thank you for the offer.
  9. shidonic Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 30, 2010
    Shidonic - Ok then. *I say pouring it into the sink while sipping my coffee* So Twilight, what do you think, are you ready for us to move back to your library?

    Twilight Sparkle - Yes i am, i even bet Pinkie Pie will have a welcome back party! *She said smiling*

    Shidonic - Yeah, Lets go to bed after we watch Luna raise the moon for the night, that way we will wake up early, and i can gather everything i need, sometimes, Celestia tells me that Luna snoops around when she knows there's a powerful magical artifact in my room, i don't believe you?

    Twilight Sparkle - No, i wouldn't believe it, even if my teacher told me, but if she did its probably the gems that come from your world!

    Shidonic - *I pull the gems i have out of my body* Luna, these are the gems that herald from my, i will share with you what i told the filly's. *I place my hoof on Luna's forehead*
  10. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    *in Ponyville late night, Fire Dash visits a 24/7 electronics store to get an item that he hopes will solve his sleeping issues starting the next day*

    Fire Dash: "No, no, no, aha! Found one!" *picks up a digital recorder and goes to the cashier to pay for it and notices Pinkie Pie in the store*

    Fire Dash: "Pinkie Pie? What are you doing in a store late night?"

    Pinkie Pie: "Oh, hey Fire Dash! The night light for the Cakes's baby twins is missing so I'm doing them a favor and getting them a new one. Why are you here."

    Fire Dash: "I'm just getting something that will hopefully help me sleep."

    Pinkie Pie: "With a recorder?"

    Fire Dash: "Long story."

    Cashier: "Alright sir. That will be 60 bits."

    Fire Dash: "Ugh, fine." *suddenly, Pinkie Pie jumps in*

    Pinkie Pie: "60 bits! Are you crazy! He should only pay you 40 bits!"

    Cashier: "60 bits is the price. Take it or leave it!"

    Pinkie Pie: "60 bits is ridiculous! He should only pay you 40!"

    Cashier: "60 bits!"

    Pinkie Pie: "40 bits!"

    Cashier: "60 bits!"

    Pinkie Pie: "60 bits!"

    Cashier: "40 bits!"

    Pinkie Pie: "60 BITS!"

    Cashier: "40 BITS AND THAT'S MY FINAL OFFER!!"

    Pinkie Pie: "Ok, you win. 40 bits it is." *Fire Dash, still shocked by what happened, pays the cashier and leaves the store with Pinkie Pie*

    Fire Dash: "Well thanks for that. I didn't know it was that easy to trick them."

    Pinkie Pie: "Happy to be able to help." *goes back to Sugarcube Corner* "La, la, la, la...."

    Fire Dash: *flying back to Rainbow Dash's home* "Wow, Rainbow Dash was right. She IS so random."
  11. shidonic Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 30, 2010
    Shidonic - *After showing Luna what i had told the filly's, i removed my hoof from her forehead* So...what might your opinion on all of this be Luna? *I asked as i put the gems back into my body*

    Twilight Sparkle - *Hopping onto my back and almost falling asleep* Shidonic...can you wake me up when Luna raises the moon?

    Shidonic - Yes i can Twilight...ok Luna, your opinion on what you have just seen?
  12. Cloudrunner62 Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2011
    I live in Austin, TX
    Luna: *Sighing* First, I object to the term, "snooping." That implies that my investigations are underhanded. Second, I have known of these gems since before I was transformed into Nightmare Moon. I likely know more about them than you do, at least in that they are used in similar fashion as the Elements of Harmony. Cloud has already shown me his gem and demonstrated his new abilities, which, *leering at Cloud Runner with a slight smile.* impressed me greatly!

    CR: *Stares knowingly back at Luna, smiling.*

    Luna: You and I both know two of the gems are kept here, inside the castle. What you do not know is that they are kept inside of Celestia and myself. Mine augments my powers over darkness while hers augments her power over light.
  13. shidonic Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 30, 2010
    Shidonic - Wait a second...if you say that the light and dark gems are here...i will be right back, i must go get Fire Dash! *I nudge Twilight* Twilight, wake up, i have to go get Fire Dash.

    Twilight Sparkle - *Waking up* Hu-...wait...what, ok! *She gets off my back and goes back into my room*

    Shidonic - *Taking a energy potion out of my satchel and drinking it, i am no longer tired* Ok, now i will go see if Fire Dash is asleep or not! *teleport to Rainbow Dash's home and open the door, i sneak around the house but get tackled by Rainbow Dash*

    Rainbow Dash - WHO ARE YOU AN-...oh, Shidonic, what are you doing here?

    Shidonic - I need to get Fire Dash, sorry for not waiting at the door! *I get back up while Rainbow Dash points me to Fire Dash's room*

    Rainbow Dash - Why do you need my brother? *With a confused look on her face*

    Shidonic - I don't know if it is or not, but with what Luna had said, she made it sound like her sister Celestia and her have the Black and White gems of power from my realm...i guess they figured out how to hide it from my senses so they could keep the power they received from them, making me and the map think that they were in different locations! *I walk into Fire Dash's room but first over hear him talking in his sleep*

    Fire Dash - "No...stay back!"

    Shidonic - *My hoof hits the recorder's stand causing me to cover my mouth before yelling*

    (Axel, i will only do that for when my character hears something you say, you may do the same for me ;) is that ok?)
  14. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    (I didn't really mind that line, as long as it doesn't involve decisions made by Fire Dash, so you're good)

    Fire Dash: "No...stay back!" *wakes up when he hears Shidonic and sees him* "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Huh, Shidonic?" *notices recorder about to fall, then races like a bullet and catches it before it hits the ground*

    Fire Dash: "Be careful with this. It ain't cheap." *places recorder inside a drawer* "So why are you here?"
  15. shidonic Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 30, 2010
    Shidonic - *Uncovering my mouth* Aah...sorry, i hit my hoof on the stand...anyway, with what Luna had told me, she made it sound like her and Celestia have the light and dark gems from my realm, although she thinks she knows more about them then *I hand Fire Dash a energy potion* Drink this if you are tired! *I teleport us to the castle and ask for Luna's, Celestia's, and Cloud Runner's presence in the Canterlot fields* Ok...we are all here? *Looking around* Luna, when you were talking to me, you made it sound like you and Celestia had the dark and light gems from my that true?
  16. Cloudrunner62 Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2011
    I live in Austin, TX
    Luna: Yes, although I doubt they are the ones you think they are. Cloud Runner told me about how, in your realm, his gem was light, but here its earth. I must say I'm surprised that you had forgotten you had left these two in our care when you left us all those millennium ago. Mine is the azure gem and Celestia's is the silver one.
  17. shidonic Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 30, 2010
    Shidonic - Oh yeah...i remember that, although Cloud Runner had informed you wrong, in my realm, the gem Cloud Runner possess used to be the power over fear...*Looking at the map and showing Luna* me Cloud Runner, and Fire Dash will have to go over to Baelzadeus's hideout, well, at-least close to it, he keeps the dark gem under high security, so stealth is a absolute need, the reason i picked right now to do it is since you have power over the moon, you can make it dark for us so we aren't detected so easily...think you can make us pitch black like we are shadows Luna?
  18. Cloudrunner62 Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2011
    I live in Austin, TX
    CR: One problem with that plan. As you had Baelzaedus inside of you, he knows about your map and likely sensed the gems inside Luna and Princess Celestia. I also don't believe he would just leave such a powerful tool just sitting around. I'd put my bits on the gem being inside him!

    Luna: *nods* While it is within my power to do as you ask, good Shidonic, I must concur with Cloud in this. Even if it were dark, it would be impossible to sneak up on a Demon. They have the ability to sense Auras. Everything has one and the more intelligent and power you are, the brighter it becomes. Even a normal pony's aura is visible in the dark to those who can sense them and ours would shine like a beacon. No...stealth is not an option here.
  19. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    Fire Dash: "Well I say we go there and and get rid of that demon. Finish what we started the day Shidonic got married."
  20. shidonic Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 30, 2010
    Shidonic - Fire Dash...go get your Light gem fragment from Fluttershy, here i will teleport with you...i know how you had said that the charm was with you your whole life, but i may think that i just have to pull the fragment out of your luck charm, i know you said it looked exactly like yours when i pulled my shard out, but are you sure you didn't give her something else that could have held that power within it?