Traditional Art My KH Switchover [ART]

Discussion in 'Arts & Graphics' started by ◄Slip►, Jan 2, 2009.

  1. ◄Slip► 1st Class Coder

    I told everyone i was going 2 post my drawing and here it is
    Wish u enjoy!!!
    I thought of it when my cousin done half sora and half roxas so i though how about putting Sora in Roxas outfit xD



    Please Comment!!!
  2. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    _ MOVED

    to Traditional Art
  3. ◄Slip► 1st Class Coder

    SO what u think xD
  4. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    Well, the head is much too large for the body -- it looks like it's the largest part of the body. When you're drawing people of the human race, the shoulders should be the widest part. I like the pose, but the proportions are very wrong. Read up on those if you want to get serious about drawing. The right shoe looks nice, but think about your pants. Do they awkward just stop at the shoe, or do they drag down over it a little? The coloring is a little less than desirable (colored pencil always looks cheap when you scan it), and there's not really any light.

    You've got potential, but a long way to go.
  5. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    It's pretty good, i can tell you that. The head is pretty big for the body (i've had that kind of problem myself) and the body is more block-ish than a regular human body. Other than that, it's good.
  6. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    It's a good start.

    The head, as said by the others, is far too big for the body. The head is actually rather small in reality, not the same width as your torso. Also the crotch isn't like that in reality either, it's too rounded. The proportions on the two legs are also too different, the left seems to be twice the size of the right. I know it's meant to be further back then the other and in a different position but I find that the leg tends to look slimmer from a diagonal then a straight forward angle. I also find the facial expression dodgy, but I can't put my finger on it.
    As for the colouring... As a coloured pencil user I have to say you don't do the material justice. Try pressing down harder to get the colour out, shading by changing how hard you press down and colour in with the sheet on top of another couple of pages of paper. Stops the grain of table or whatever you're leaning on coming through like it did on the air.
  7. AXBHikaru Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 17, 2006
    I'm going to be a critique so please excuse my words. It is quite obvious that its ametuer work, or at least someone on his way to better art, About five years ago I drew very bad art, I can't believe I thought it was good, but let me tell you some things to get better, sometimes, its good to start with shapes, mainly circles for the head and joints and a square for the body. When you draw the face like this, know to make the face, slightly round, for the hands, make them smaller then his face, about 3/4 the size of his face is the ideal size. when drawing the character's clothes, make sure to put fold in his clothes, and the folds effect the clothes symbols, when drawing the hair, it should always bend down slightly, even when spiked, but when spiked, its common knowledge to make the hair poofier. for the legs, make them about the length of the arms but slightly longer. draw ears, eyebrows, nose, nostrils (depending on the angle) put lines where the pockets are, I posted below a picture of my art as it developed over three years (giant image), I've gotten into more realism now, but this is just an example of art development, keep drawing, and try to draw more realism like DEATH NOTE or Jing: King of Bandits Twilight Tales, soon your art will develop and not be as rough as the image you posted, you don't have to read the text, but if you keep drawing, I'm sure you'll become a great artist one day, and then maybe you can help others develop their art.

  8. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City
    It's a little out of proportion..... but that's the only problem~

    It's very well done to start with :]
    Keep on practicing~
  9. ◄Slip► 1st Class Coder

    I kinda rushed it xD
    I'll show u my New Naruto pic much better promise!!!