My grandad on the path to death...

Discussion in 'Help with Life' started by Rhoppergaurd, Aug 5, 2009.

  1. Rhoppergaurd Banned

    Jun 10, 2009
    Destiny islands
    My grandad is dying! He has cancer! My gran told me about it and the doctor told her he was dying. :( I hardly ever see him and I don't want him to die!
  2. Flyn Pnut Banned

    Dude, it's okay. Everyone's had it happen before, it hurts, but you'll get over it, one of my Grandad's (me and Rhopperguard are step-brother and sister) have died, and that was when my Dad was 10! Lots of people you've known have died, you've had a harsh life, but if you think about the good things, then it'll be a whole lot better. Try putting your Grandad's name in my song, then it'll get your emotions out.
  3. Rhoppergaurd Banned

    Jun 10, 2009
    Destiny islands
    I don't think putting my grandad in a ketchup song will help me...
  4. Flyn Pnut Banned

    No, 'The Sky is Grey' song I did. Oh, and think of it like this,

    "One day, one of the water bugs from the water, didn't want to stay anymore, he wanted to see what it was like above water. Once above water, the water-bug turned into a dragon-fly, he wanted to tell his friends, but he couldn't. When he dissapeared, no-one knew where he went, they made an agreement, that the next person to go up, would have to come back down and say. One day, another water bug decided to go up. He also turned in to a beautiful dragon fly, he wanted to go and tell his friends, but he couldn't. And they wouldn't recognise him anyway. Plus, oneday all the other water-bugs'll be up there, so there's no need to worry. Just to be happy."

    The point in this story, is that once someone's died and gone up, they can't come back down to tell you were they went, and you wouldn't recognise them anyway. Plus, one day, you'll be up there, re-united with them, so there's no need to worry.

    Hope this helps. :)
  5. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    That's sad news, I'm sorry to hear that. I'd visit him as much as I can during the time he has left now. He'll be glad to see you guys too. You should talk about this and that and ask him questions about things you'd never come up with otherwise.
    When my grandma was getting older I kept asking her questions about how my parents and aunts and uncles were when they were kids. She really seemed to enjoy talking about past times like that. Maybe that will cheer your grandpa up too.
  6. Rhoppergaurd Banned

    Jun 10, 2009
    Destiny islands
    Thanks, that cheered me up a bit.
  7. Tahno The official Charlie Sheen of Republic City.

    Jun 24, 2008
    Pro-Bending Arena; Republic City
    89 almost made me cry.
    My grandfather suffered a heart attack...a few years ago...he was a good man...but he didn't make it.

    Just wish the best luck for your grandfather and I hope he doesn't end up in the same position mine is in..:'(
  8. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    I'm so sorry, death is incredibly hard. Is he in the hospital right now, or does he still have some time? If he is in the hospital really the only thing you can do is visit and let him know how much you love him. If he's not quite in the terminal stages of the cancer try to spend as much time with him as you can. One thing I regret is not getting to know more about my grandfather's life, and if you can do this at all try to. I don't care if you're religious or not, pray for him. You don't need to believe in a god to pray.

    If you need to talk I'm here, I recently went through a very hard family death and I know what it's like. <3
  9. int2646 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 5, 2009
    The &quot;Other Side&quot;
    I'm really sorry about your grandfather, I lost mine to cancer too. I think you should try to visit him as much as you can and tell him everything you ever wanted before its too late.
  10. Cleopatra King's Apprentice

    Mar 9, 2009
    Skyway Avenue &lt;3.
    You poor soul. I'm verry sorry to hear about your grandfather. I remember that I was in a simliar situation when my Grandfather died, unfortunately I was only 15months old at the time and had no idea what was happening. I wish your grandfather luck, he sounds like he needs it. Hopefully he pulls through. You can spend more time with him though can't you? I know you told us he is sick, but even talking on the phone or the presence of one another is better than having nothing at all. Don't break away from him because he is dying if you think it will be easier, it won't. I'm sure you'll regret it in the end. Spend as much time as you can with him, when he's at his best.

    Life sucks, then you die.

    It's a hard life, but we learn to live, don't we?
  11. Rhoppergaurd Banned

    Jun 10, 2009
    Destiny islands
    Oh. Im sorry to hear about that.
    He still has some time, but he has lost all of his hair. Thanks.
    Yeah, I will.
    Sorry. Thanks, I haven't saw him in years, but luckily yesterday I decided to go up. If i would have waited for like, a year, he wouldn't be alive. :(
  12. In explicit Angst Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 18, 2008
    Hidden in a messy room
    I'm very sorry to hear that. Some of my family members have had cancer but luckily they made it. My grandmother died before I was born and I really wish I could of got to know her. My dad's mother lives in USA (I live in Finland) so I can't really see her as much as I'd want to. So like everyone else has told you, spend a lot of time with him, now when you still can. And when he has passed away, light a candle for him. I've also read that it helps to just talk to yourself picturing that the one you lost is there with you. It's hard losing someone close to you. Especially at your age. Ofcorse it's always hard but I believe when your a child you understand what's happening but it's harder to get over it.
  13. Rhoppergaurd Banned

    Jun 10, 2009
    Destiny islands
    Oh, My great gran died when I was born. Oh, I never knew that. Yes, thanks.
  14. krayzie Lionhart

    Mar 24, 2008
    dam i cant imagine wat it would be like then mines dies
    my great grandmother is still alive but shes really old and im scared that she'll die soon so trust me i feel your pain
    i cant bare loosin her
    look we all go through this so enjoy him while you can
    do wat ever you have to to make your last few moments with him memorable
  15. StarkMad Banned

    Jul 25, 2009
    living in a computer.
    What you can do is spend as much time with him as possible. Bring him his favourite stuff and just really show him you care. If you're religious, pray about it and see what happens (if your religion does that).
    If he dies, it's happened for a reason.
    Everything happens for a reason, it's just hard to find out what that reason is.
    To quote a good band:
    "Stay strong
    You are not lost
    Come on and fix your eyes ahead
    There's a new dawn to light our day, our day
    You've gotta stay strong
    You and I run
    For the prize that lies ahead
    We've come too far to lose our way, our way"
    Just keep your chin up and be there when you can. I'm sure he'd rather die happy than sad and alone. : ) *hugs and gives cookies*
  16. Johnny Stooge Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 5, 2009
    you guys are all really corny fucks.

    he's a grandad. so he's old. it can't be that much of a surprise that he's going to die.
  17. StarkMad Banned

    Jul 25, 2009
    living in a computer.
    At least we're comforting the kid. It's not the fact that he's going to die, it's that the kid's grandpa is going to die. I assume the kid was really close to him. >_>
    What if it was yours? Wouldn't you be sad?
    This person just wants people's help with dealing with it.
  18. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    I'm so sorry to hear that. *hugs* I had to deal with the same issue two years ago and it was very hard. Just know that he will always be in your heart and think of any special memories you have had with him. I hope I have helped some. God bless.
  19. Crumpet In your shadow, I can shine!

    Jun 28, 2007
    It's gonna be alright

    My grandad had cancer recently, I can't remember exactly where, I think it was near his voice box or something

    but, he's healing, in fact he's off the special diet they gave him.

    Just think optimistically xD
  20. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    One of your inappropriate posts has already been deleted. I'm leaving this one alone because it's been quoted but I wouldn't bother posting in this thread anymore. Consider this your verbal warning, although I was tempted not to leave it at that.

    And just for the record kids: a predictable loss isn't necessarily a less painful one. In some cases it's exactly the opposite: realising someone's suffering will only end with death is an agonising knowledge. People like Rhopperguard deserve our comfort and compassion.