Unfortunately I have to admit that I was like that during another event in the past few years but that was because I didn't want to acknowledge the tragedy. Some people just don't know how to deal with things like this. I now personally try not to think about it but I know I must because if I didn't it would plague me until I know. Since I have many friends all over the world I always dread that someone I know will be named among the lost and that always concerns me. I will also admit that I have been tempted to act like that in attempt to bury my emotions as a form of protection but I couldn't do that. Not that I am defending those heartless jerks but understand they are only trying to protect themselves from the sadness.
I'm just gonna go out and say this because most of you people on here don't know what its like to have that happen to you. I've been in a situation like that twice when I was in kindergarten. Two dudes with some subs shooting up the place. The horror, and to think it was a really nice lovely middle class area something like that wouldn't happen right? Tch yea ok... And even during my 2nd week of college if the cops didn't trace that text from the heavily armored guy who was gonna shoot up my college I doubt I'd be here right now. You can feel sorry all you want, and feel bad just don't talk like you've been there before. Faced with that kinda of fear you cowards talk out of spite with such rage and hatred, but only because the kids died, and how wrong it is to kill. Shut up already sh** like this pisses me off so much because we all know by next month you'll be posting things like... How was your X-Mas?, So what did you all get for X-Mas, Merry X-Mas kh-v, HAPPY NEW YEARS!!! 2012 Never happened HA!!! All your doing is talking out of your ass so save those tough words when you get into a Facebook fight or try to seem cool. It always happens they even said in an interview there are 20 shootings like this every year in the US. I'm not saying you can't feel bad, and terrible with some rage and anger, but keep that to yourself no more of that stress needs to be added to this terrible tragic event.
...So what, because we wont be talking about it in a months time, we have no right to speak about it right now? Tragedies happen yeah, and they're going to be discussed no matter what you say. I honestly don't care about what happened to you back in the day, but right here and now, people were senselessly murdered and it's kinda a big deal. So what if we don't mention it in a week? or a month? Doesn't mean we don't remember it, I doubt there's a single person here who's forgotten the fact a movie theatre was shot up only a few months ago, the fact of the matter is sad **** happens, and people want to talk about it and discuss opinions etc on the now. What people aren't gonna do, and what's really healthy that they aren't doing, is dwell on it forever, bringing it up to every ****ing dinner party or casual conversation they have in the street. Who are you to dictate what people can and can't voice on the god damn internet? Yeah, people died, yeah it sucked and yeah it's gonna be a talking point for now, but just because it becomes silent in the media, doesn't mean it's a forgotten event.
I never said you couldn't do that so all of what you just put invalid completely. I just said stop talking out of your asses like you would try to do something is all I was saying. You on the other hand like took it like I said only those who have ever been effected by something like this personally can talk. No get that out of your head that's not what I was saying. Don't try to make it seem I'm some form of higher power you coward I know it as you say 'Kinda a big deal' right now. Even though something like this is a big deal not kinda I see where your head is when events like this come about. No one has to keep talking about this any chance they get during dinner, or when they work people still got lives to lead. And over the internet forget about it smart asses such as yourself feel you have a voice for most people and talk with such compassion for a misunderstood reply. Such a sad fellow good luck in life if you think like that before you reply with such brashness wow that is terrible. All I was saying is that tough guy wanna do some damage you know talk violently to get my point across on this topic... Shut up Think before you reply next time.
You know what? I still remember Columbine. I still remember the Oklahoma City Bombing. I still remember 9/11. I still remember Virgina Tech. I still remember Fort Hood. I still remember the shooting at the Sikh Temple here in Wisconsin. I still remember the movie theatre shooting in Colorado. But do I still talk about these events every single day of my life? No. But that doesn't mean I haven't forgotten. I think about them almost regularly because I feel the victims of these tragedies deserve to be remembered. Just as I won't forget the children and adults that died at Sandy Hook Elementary. You cannot tell me how to cope just because I didn't personally witness these events. Nor can you tell anyone else. Not everyone has the same coping mechanism that you do.
You don't listen either that's terrible I clearly just said that's not how I was trying to get my reply out there as. And you of course took it the way you felt and forgot I was the one who posted so you spoke out of your ass too good job. Please tell me what other events you remember I'd loved to know man. I'm amazed by the list is there more I might not know about?
Though this is definitely a sensitive issue, I recommend that people refrain from directly insulting others. It would be lovely if opinions could be exchanged without scathing and targeting comments behind them, and even through that it would most likely be easier for both sides to understand the other more so. Thank you kindly. I personally believe it is natural for some people to need to collectively sympathize with each other - and that is how they can connect, I suppose. Although times move on things are not forgotten, and the like. This may be an odd comparison, but I have had many events in the recent past involving the deaths of family members, and though I do not think about it all of the time, it does not mean I forget them, indeed. That being said, it is at the same time good to remember to not get too obsessive and drowned within the despair, if one can. People can learn lessons from this and prevent things in the future as well. Hopefully, anyhow. (cue for I am not getting into the politics of US gun control). Keep your feet on the ground but keep moving forward, as one may say.
Alright understood please forgive me for how I stepped out of line. It wasn't meant to be taken the way Fox and Shizuo felt so I am sorry Fox, and Shizuo for the way my reply seemed. I have no right to tell others how they should and shouldn't feel, but I swear to you that this was not my intention at all. And sorry staff person(I think you're What if I'm not mistaken never knew you were a staff.) I am not saying we have to keep remembering the past non stop and what happened at Virginia Fort Hood no not what I'm saying I do hope you can forgive me for coming off in the wrong way sorry about that.