It sits in the corner, this box of delights, All wires and boards whirring into the night. Attached up to broadband to talk to the world, A veritable cosmos of knowledge unfurled. Remember your password and now login please, The symbols come to me with relative ease. I stare at the screen as I click on a thread. A million images come into my head. So many subjects in which I can post All supported by our generous host. The Admin are watching, they keep us in check, Make sure we behave with the utmost respect. So here's to all people who post on this site. May your wishes be answered and bring you delight. A virtual community filled with good cheer. A toast to and all of you here! Another of my poems, dedicated to this wonderful forum and all those who participate in it. Thanks for making me welcome.
I didn't think it was funny, but I loved it, nonetheless. XD I mean... It's... Well.... True. @-@ Gah, I was about to say something deep, but my brain went essplody just now. XD; *smacked with a brick* X.x Well, I just wanted to let ya know, I loved it! XD; Keep writing! =3
It wasn't really meant to be funny, but I don't mind if people do find it so. Thanks. Glad you liked it. :)