When your not good at anything... Your me. It is a wound that never heals, a crack in the earth that never closes or fills with magma, a burn that scars. Your soul hurts, your bones ache, and your heart always just wants to give in. But it never gives in. The aches stop. Your soul's pain dulls like that of a blade that has not been sharpened since the day it was forged. The only reason: You learn to deal with it. I have not learned how to as of yet~. A niece whom out shines me at any chance, a mother whom never lets me here the end of it when I get a "B" on a report card. Two sisters who's ability's make me look useless... Then there is me, the empty shell, the broken heart, broken record. Weak, over weight,and talentless. The only light in my life is who I am. My personality, my friends, my life. It all makes me who I am, and I will never let it go~ Thanks to all who have listened, all who know who I am and why I refuse to change, but grow stronger each day. Maybe I will find my truth, my talent, my skill that finally makes my mom stop whining over my grades. Makes me look important and unique in my own way. Makes me existent.
^Sorry but I had to lol Hmm... I like it. Nice concept. But overall I think it can read better. Hell, the last 3 lines read like prose. Break up your lines a little more-it can help convey your emotion and make it read more like a poem :)
Truthfully, this is my first actual poem, most else is just a random story, if anything. And thanks for the criticism.
Your exastance can certainly use some work. I agree with both of the above. Try a little harder; especially on art.